Chapter 30 - True power

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I froze. My body completly shocked. I thought for sure it would have been Evanora that collided with the ball of magic but it was not her that let out the gut wrenching scream. "MASON!" I yelled and fell to his side. "Hey! Hey!" I yelled and I could see the magic killing him slowly. Oh hell no! I stood up to face Trix as Lynx protectively wrapped an arm around Eva and hid her behind him safe from danger. I turned to Trix who was safe behind three guards. "Guards. Get them!" She yelled and now, I was pissed. "No more nice kitty!" I yelled and jumped shifting in mid hair. My anger had unleashed the true beast in me. My usual kitty form had shifted into a black panther. my usual glossy fur was now tough but still soft. My meow had turned into a roar as I pounced onto the first guard and ripped him to shreads in seconds. The two guards stepped back a little before Trix promised them a punishment worth than death if they didnt fight for her. The ran at me at the same time. I didnt know which once to take. That was until one tripoed over and vines wrapped around them. "I gotcha sis" Evas voice echoed in my head. I nod and pounce at the guy still standing. He didnt have a chance to speak as i slashed my claws across his throat and he gurgled as he choked on his own blood. I looked to see the vines had suffocated the other guard and then snapped his neck. I look at Trix and growled as I stalked foward. She shot magic my way and it hit me right in the face turning me back to my human form. "Oh god I'm....wait I'm dressed its all good. Never been a panther before" I said as Lynx helped me up. "We can discuss that later. Right now we have an issue" he said and points to Trix who was charging up her power. I couldnt face that alone. "Eva grab my hand" I demanded and she did as she was told. I raised my hand and magic flew out just as Trix did the same. Our magic collided but she was stronger than me. "Eva hit her underneath and then we'll smash her with everything we've got" I said to her over our bond and she nodded. She ducked under the magic and hit Trix hard. She flew backwards then I shot her with my green magic. Then Eva again with her purple. Then me. Then Eva until Trix finally gave in. "STOP JUST STOP!" Trix yelled and Eva raised her magic as I knelt down beside Trix. "You cant kill me" she says. "You're right. We cant..." I said as my hand glows blue and I rest the magic on her stomach. "But we can once your child is born. In 9 months once the baby is borm you will be executed" I said and Eva uses her magic to have vined tie around Trix and hold her to the wall. "You just got Trix pregnant" she says and I roll my eyes and then go back into serious mode when I see Mason. Lynx was knelt down beside him using magic to try and heak him but it didnt seem to be working. I ran over to them and pulled Mason onto my lap. "HEY! MASON HEY!" I yelled. "Stay with me your gonna be fine okay" I said and he grabbed my hand. "H...Hex...Hexina....Kitten....I...I am sorry....I.." I cut him off with a kiss. Not long but enough for him to know I was real. "Its okay....I forgive you" I whisper as tears drip from my face leaving tear stains down my cheek. "I Lov...." he says and I replied before he could finish, "I love you too." I said. He smiles but the smile soon faded as his eyes turned glassy and blood ran down from his mouth as he took his final breath. I bawled out into tears as Eva and Lynx hugged me close. I refused to let Mason go. Why does everyone I love leave me?

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