The Next Day

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Rory didn't remember falling asleep after talking to her mom. She looks around at the darkness in her room, trying to find her phone. When she finds it, she sees she has three missed calls, two voicemails, and ten texts, all from Logan. She looks at the texts, than listens to her voicemails.

"Ace, its me. Look I'm sorry I hung up like that. Odette came home and I didn't want to deal with her asking questions nonstop about who was on the phone or any other questions she'd ask. Please call me. You're right. We need to talk about this and decide on what we wanna do." Logan says in one voicemail. Rory checks the next voicemail from him.

"Rory, please. Answer your phone or call me back. I'm back in the states. I caught the first flight from London to Hartford. Please call me so we can get together and talk. I still love you and I want us to talk about our options. Ace, please." Rory can't help but smile with this one.

Rory checks the time, and sees that it's only 3:30am. She groans at the time and gets up. Might as well write some more of the book while she can, and decides that she'll call Logan in a few hours. Rory gets up and grabs her computer, than heads out to the kitchen so she can sit at the table with coffee. She's cut back so much on coffee, but decides this morning to have more than one cup. She's going to be up for awhile anyways, might as well enjoy the early morning with the good coffee. Rory writes until 5:30am, when Luke walks in the kitchen and sees her sitting there with her computer.

"Hey Ror, how's it going?" Luke asks her.

"Morning Luke. It's going pretty good. Just wrote out a few more chapters for the book about me and mom."

"Sounds like a productive morning."

"It was. Gonna start getting ready now so I can head into the Gazette for awhile though. I've got a lot to do there."

"Yea I better do the same for the diner," Luke says. "And hey, Rory?"

"Yea Luke?"

"If you need to talk about anything, I'm here."

"I know, Luke. Thanks." Rory replies as she walks out of the kitchen to go get ready for work.

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