Time to Go

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Rory and Logan woke up early with the twins and while Rory fed them, Logan started breakfast for them so he and Rory can eat before they have to be on the road to Stars Hollow. Logan finishes cooking right when Rory finished nursing the twins.

"Twins are fed, bags are packed, and we're all set to go. Now will you please tell me what you have planned for this weekend, Logan?" Rory says as she walks into the kitchen with the twins.

"Not a chance Ace. But as soon as we finish eating, it'll be time to get on the road to your mom's place and drop off the twins."

Rory rolls her eyes at him as Logan takes Victoria from her so Rory can lay Richard in his bassinet while she eats and Logan does the same with Victoria. This will be the longest they have ever been away from the twins as Rory is still working from home and Logan only leaves for meetings in the office. Both made sure all work was done while they ate, and once Logan had finished eating, he got up from the table to clean his plate and move the bags to their car. By the time bags were loaded, Rory was done eating and Logan was helping get the twins into their car seats.

"Ready to go, Ace?" Logan asked once the twins were buckled and in the car.

"Yes dear. All set, there is enough pumped milk for the twins is in the bags and we're good to go." Rory replied.

"Great. Let's get on the road than." Logan said as they climbed in the car. Logan started driving towards Stars Hollow and Rory played with the radio until she found something worth listening too.

"I still wanna know what you have planned, but I guess I'll just suck it up and wait," Rory says to him.

"Ace you'll have to do better than that one to get it out of me," Logan replies with a laugh and Rory laughs with him.

"I wasn't trying to get it out of you this time honey. Just saying that I'll wait."

"Sure Ace. Someone seems to forget that I know her really well and know that she can never wait for a surprise, huh?"

"Fine. You got me Logan. But you know I'm not big on the surprises."

"Yes I know Ace. But I promise, you'll like this surprise."

"Ok. I really will suck it up than and just wait."

Logan pulls up in front of Lorelai's house and Lorelai comes running out.

"Loin fruit! Son in law! Give me my precious grandbabies!" Lorelai says as she hugs Logan and Rory.

"Hi mom. Nice to see you too," Rory laughs as she unbuckles Victoria and Lorelai gets Richard.

"Hi Lorelai. How is everything?" Logan asks as he grabs the bags for the twins.

"It's good. Now let's get inside with my precious grandbabies!"

They all head inside and within a few minutes, a limo pulls up and Colin, Finn, and Robert all get out to start putting the other bags in the limo. Rory is of course preoccupied with the twins, Lorelai, and saying hi to Luke.

"Hello Luke. Looking forward to spending time with the twins?" Rory asks her stepfather.

"I always love spending time with the babies. I'm excited to get them for a few days while you and Logan take a much needed vacation." Luke replies taking Victoria from Rory.

Logan suddenly feels his phone vibrate, with a text from Finn saying bags have been moved. Logan pulls a blindfold out of his pocket and turns to Rory, "Alright Ace. Time to go. Say bye to the twins, your mom, and Luke. Everything is on schedule now."

"Ok. What's the blindfold for Logan?" Rory asks him.

"To hide the plans until we get there. You'll know soon enough Ace."

"Alright. Bye mom, bye Luke. See you in a few days," Rory says and turns to the twins next and kissing each on their forehead, "bye my sweet babies. I love you. See you soon."

Logan places the blind fold on Rory and, after saying bye to the twins, Lorelai, and Luke, leads her outside of the house to the waiting limo. Logan helps her into the car before he climbs in beside her.

"Who else is in the limo, Logan?" Rory suddenly asks him after the limo starts moving.

"Hello love," Finn says before Logan can reply.

"Hello mother," Robert chimes in with a laugh.

"Hello gorgeous. We've missed you," Colin says.

"It's just the guys Ace. They helped with planning, that's all you need to know," Logan finally says.

"Why am I now surprised? Hello gentlemen. Will one of you tell me what my husband planned?"

"Gentlemen she says? I do believe there was an insult in that one," Colin says laughing.

"Sorry love. No secrets shall be spilled," Finn tells her.

"Ugh. Fine. Than let's have some fun. In omnia paratus, right?" Rory says.

"Right Ace. Just enjoy the drive and relax," Logan says before he kisses her.

Rory did just that from there and relaxed the rest of the way. They drove for another hour before she felt the limo stop and heard the door open to another familiar voice.

"Well, well, well. If it isn't our favorite reporter girl," Stephanie says with a smile.

"Oh my god! Stephanie, I haven't seen you in forever. Course not like I can see you right now, but what is this? An LDB reunion weekend?" Rory exclaims.

"No comment. You can't know anything just yet," Stephanie relies.

"Of course. Well someone lead the way please," Rory says.

Stephanie takes Rory's hand so the guys can all grab bags and they all head to the campsite. Once they get to the tents and the guys put the bags down, Logan steps towards Rory to take the blindfold off of her.

"Surprise Ace."

"Oh my god. Logan is this-" Rory starts.

"Yea Ace. The one and the same campsite."

"Logan I love this! I can't believe you planned this whole thing under my nose with the guys."

"Didn't realize I was one of the guys there, Reporter Girl." Stephanie chimed in with a laugh.

"Sorry Steph. I've missed you," Rory says as she hugs  her.

"Missed you too. Now do we need to go over the rules again for the weekend?"

"Let me guess. No letter 'e' allowed?"

"Daft girl. Always doing that," Robert says.

"Silly girl. Saying that which shouldn't say." Finn says.

Rory just laughs at them and turns to Logan, "How long did this all take?"

"A month Ace. And I promise, there is more to come. All in good time though."

"I love you Logan."

"As I love you Ace."

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