Chapter 7

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I finally got a text from Matty two days later. I was dead-heading roses, showing Teddy how to do it as well, when my phone dinged. I checked it, saw who it was, told Teddy and went inside to get a drink and read it.

    I sat down on the sofa and scrolled through the words.

    'I'm sorry for having been silent for so long, darling, I really am. At first, I was just so upset and hurt, and yes, jealous, and I didn't want to respond. I remembered what I said to you, way back at the beginning, about not holding a grudge, about just wishing you well and moving on, and I tried, I really did, but, Tinker Bell, I am in love with you, I am so in love with you...I don't think I've ever been in love before. I thought I had been, but I've never felt like this before, ever. You are so special, do you even know how special you are? I love Theo so much, but I've never seen him make things work with anyone, ever, so why should I believe he could make things work with you? I'm so worried that he's going to break your heart, your valuable, precious heart, and leave you with nothing but broken pieces. All I can say at this point is if that ever happens I'll be here for you, I'll be waiting for you, I'll try to help you put the pieces back together. You are like my heart, you are so dear to me...I don't know what else to say, except to apologize again for being silent for so long, I know it must have been very difficult for you. Please tell Theo I'll communicate with him when I can; I can't just yet, it's too painful, but I still love him and bear him no ill will.'

    "Teddy?" I called, choking back tears. He came flying into the living room; he must have been hovering in the back hall.

    "What, darling? What?" He reached for me, not knowing what was required. I debated whether or not to hand him the phone. Was it private? Would Matty mind? I decided that when he sent it to me it became mine, and I wanted Teddy to see it. I gave him the phone and waited while he read it, hand covering my mouth.

    "Oh no," he said after reading it through. He embraced me, saying, "I'm so sorry, darling, this isn't what I was expecting at all, not at all."

    "Me either," I whispered into his chest. "What am I supposed to do with that? I mean, really, how am I supposed to respond?" I just let him hold me for a few moments before I pushed myself away from him.

    "And more importantly, what does this mean for the band?" I asked him. "I mean, I know you guys aren't scheduled to do anything for a while, but what if he isn't over all this by then? What happens then? When's your next official function together?"

    "Next February we're supposed to get together to start working on a new album," Teddy said distractedly.

    "What if he still feels this way then?" I asked. "Oh my god."

    Unexpectedly, Teddy smiled and scooped me up into a huge hug, swinging me around the room. "Birdie, I love you so much!"

    "Have you lost your mind?" I asked while holding on for dear life. "Put me down, you lunatic!"

    He carefully set me down, making sure that I wasn't going to lose my balance and fall over first. He cupped my face in his hands and looked into my eyes, smiling, giving me the full Theodore Shelley dimple treatment. "What?" I said, smiling back in spite of myself.

    "That's the first time you've ever, ever, referenced that far into the future without putting conditions on it, like 'if we're still together then', or 'if we make it that far'. It's like you've finally admitted to yourself that it's possible we might make it seven months into the future." He took me into his arms. "Are you finally starting to believe in me a little bit, my darling little hummingbird? Hmm?" He kissed me. "Are you finally starting to trust me, just a little bit?" He kissed me again. "Please, please, say you are," he whispered. "It would mean so much to me to know that you're beginning to have a little faith in me, in us, just a little?"

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