Chapter 34

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We stayed that way for a while, remaining quiet while we listened to Ronan and Matthew come in and gather their things and leave.

"Anyway, like I was saying before the conversation got all serious and weird, I don't think you realize how unusual our sex life is." He lifted his head from where it had been resting on my chest and looked up at me.

"Like I said, normally, at the beginning, people like to have sex frequently, which is usually every day, like once a day. And from there it goes down. I've never heard of anyone who does what we do." He grabbed one of my hands and kissed it, smiling.

"There are always urban sex legends of athletes and celebrities who shag non-stop, but with them it's usually different women, you know, like with a turnstile instead of a front door.

"Or you hear about rock stars and their groupies, you know, about orgies in different cities, but again, it's always different people, or there are drugs involved, or it's just for a day or two..." He looked at me, eyes wide.

"You just don't realize how amazing you are. I mean, we're at it three, four, sometimes five times a day, every fucking day. You're ready for me whenever I want you. Bedtime sex, shower sex, car sex, movie sex, and my personal favorite," he grinned at me, "sleepy sex. I love waking up wanting you, knowing that I can wake you up and you'll be up for it, no matter how late it is."

I leaned down and kissed him, carried away by his words. "What you don't seem to realize, Mr. Shelley, is that you are just as amazing, if not more. I mean, all I have to do is be there, available. And excited, I guess; I mean, I have to bring a little lubrication to the party," I smiled. "But you have to actually perform, which I've heard can be difficult for some men.

"Isn't it considered a pretty big deal that you can get it up four or five times a day, every single day, for weeks and weeks on end? Hmm? For the same old piece of ass, no less? I mean, that's pretty impressive, isn't it? Wouldn't most men be impressed, not to mention envious?" I tucked a lock of stray hair behind his ear.

He considered. "Yeah, you're right. I'm the fucking man, aren't I?" We both laughed, and I kissed him again.

"You so fucking are," I agreed, kissing him again.

"The other unusual thing about you is the number of orgasms you have," he commented.

"What?" I asked. I was sure I'd misheard him.

He grinned at me. "You heard me," he said.

"You're kidding, right?" I said. "Right?" I repeated, shaking him. "Right?"

He shook his head. "Nope."

"Teddy, stop it, you're making me really uncomfortable," I said.

"Complete and total truth," he said, looking at me with a straight face. "Hey, it's okay," he said earnestly. "I mean, being hyper-orgasmic is a good thing, in my opinion."

"Hyper-orgasmic?" I gasped. No.

"Yeah, I looked it up. I'm kind of surprised you haven't, if I'm being honest," he laughed.

"If that's true, then how come you've never said anything before now, then?" I countered.

He shrugged. "Dunno. It's just never come up, so to speak," he said, laughing even harder.

"Oh, stop it," I said, irritated, shaking him. "I mean it. You're serious?" I said, looking at him.

"Yes, I am," he repeated. "Look, I've been with a lot of women, you know that," he said. "And I'm sure a lot of them faked it, especially since they were with me, someone who's so famous and everything. But even taking that into account, it's usually once per encounter, and even then it's usually after a lot of work and effort."

He turned me in his arms and kissed me with considerable energy and enthusiasm. I returned the kiss with equal ardor, and in no time we were going hot and steamy.

"See what I mean?" He breathed. "That took about a minute. And I bet if I put my hand on you, you'd be all revved up and ready to go, wet as a river." He put his hand on my thigh, and I tensed up, I couldn't help it. He smiled, pupils dilated, lips noticeably fuller and redder.

"We just finished screwing our brains out in the car a little while ago; how can you be ready to go again so soon? But you are, aren't you? I could make you come, right now, just with my fingers, couldn't I?" He whispered with a smile.

I nodded. I turned so I was straddling him. "But aren't you forgetting something?" I asked, also in a whisper. I reached for him. "You're just as ready as I am, mister. You have almost as many orgasms as me. So doesn't that make us both a little unusual?"

He closed his eyes as my hands went around him. "I'm a man, Birdie. That's normal for me. And I don't. Come as often as you do," he clarified. He kissed me again.

"Nope. The unusual one here is definitely you. I've never known a woman who can come as often as you, honestly. Never ever. I mean, unless you fake it sometimes?" He looked at me carefully. "Do you? You definitely come every time? Sometimes multiple times? Yeah?"

I nodded.

"Well, you are definitely one lucky woman. I think there are women out there who have never had an orgasm with another person, in their entire lives, can you imagine?" He smiled at me.

"So does this mean that you'll take a bath with me?" I asked. "Finish what we started here?" I leaned forward and kissed him. "Please?"

"Oh yeah," he said with a smile, "we are so taking a bath. And you should never have to say please to me, I'm sorry for making you feel you had to." And he dropped a kiss on my shoulder.

"Hey, I have a question," I said, as I was climbing off his lap. "You know, back in the car, when you said you'd never experienced anything like it, what did you mean, exactly?"

He looked at me. "Why do you ask, exactly?" he asked, standing up.

"Well, I actually found that particular activity online; it's supposed to be a very commonly done thing, there are song lyrics referring to it and pop culture references all over the place and everything, so I assumed it was something you'd done, or had done to you, many times, so I wondered what you meant, that's all." I felt a blush creeping up my neck, and was glad I was dark complected so that it wouldn't show too much.

"You found it online?" He repeated, smiling, reaching for my arm and turning me around. "And did you call it an 'activity'? Like an arts and crafts sort of thing? Hmm?

"Birdie, look at me, please," he requested, putting his hand under my chin and lifting it.

I took a deep breath and looked into his amused eyes. "What? Yes, I looked online. I'm just trying to improve my golf game a little. I don't want to bore you, that's all," I explained. "And I don't know that you'd necessarily tell me if you were. Bored, I mean."

His smile grew larger, his dimples starting to show. He put his arms around me. "Sometimes you're so cute I'm amazed that I haven't just taken a bite out of you," he declared. "I can't believe you actually went online to look for ways to, um, entertain me sexually." He shook his head.

"Well, to answer your question, yes, I have had that particular 'activity' performed on me before, many times. But, as I've said to you frequently, everything with you feels different, brand new. I don't know if this is because it's you, and I'm in love with you, or if it's a matter of technique, or what." He put a hand on my breast, giving a soft squeeze. "It could just be because these are the most perfect of their kind in the universe," he said with a smile. "Whatever the reason, what I experienced in the car earlier was like nothing I've ever experienced before, that's all. I can't believe we didn't scrape bits of my brains off the ceiling of the car, honestly."

He kissed me, with considerable energy. "Now, how about we get this bath thing going, hmm?"

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