Chapter 15

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There must have been thirty or forty people milling around downstairs between the kitchen and the backyard patio area. There were glad cries of "Theo!" And "Welcome home!" As they converged on him, and therefore me, since we were arm in arm. We were enveloped in a UK Crush style hug involving what felt like at least fifteen people comprising three generations.

People seemed avidly curious about who I was, though no one was overt about it. It was more about quiet glances and things not asked. People gave me space, while including me in their greetings and smiling my way and saying "Welcome" to me in very kind voices.

A petite blonde holding a newborn approached for a kiss, saying, "Theo! It's been ages! How was Japan?"

"Charlotte!" He hugged her carefully, kissing the baby in her arms. "Looks like you've been busy while I've been away. Wow, look at this little beauty! Charlotte, she's adorable! May I?" And he turned to me, the baby in his arms.

"Birdie, this is my cousin, Charlotte, and this is her new little one, Juliet. Charlotte, this is the love of my life, my wonderful girlfriend, known to all the world but me as Tinker Bell." He grinned, shifting the baby to one arm so he could put an arm around me as he made the introduction.

Wow, that was one hell of an intro. I didn't think I'd ever heard him introduce me to anyone as the love of his life. If Charlotte was surprised she hid it well as she stepped forward to hug me and give me the peck on the cheek. Perhaps this was a Shelley custom. "So happy to meet you at last, Tinker Bell," she said with a smile. "I've really been looking forward to it. I must admit, I've seen some rather intriguing things on the internet, so it's nice to meet the real thing."

The rest of the crowd had dissipated a bit, but I really wanted to hold the baby. I held out my arms, and sat down on the sofa with the tiny bundle. I bent over to take a deep breath of one of the best smells in the world. Mmm. Teddy sat next to me and put an arm around me, leaning over to look at the baby.

I pulled the blanket away from her face, enjoying the sounds of the little living thing coming from my arms. She had a fine fuzz of golden hair, and the gray eyes typical of newborns. Our heads were nearly touching as we admired her. Teddy put his finger next to her hand and she grasped it; we looked at each other, delighted by this tiny act.

I was suddenly struck by the fact that I was sitting with Teddy while holding a baby, and I felt something, an internal lurch, which I'd never felt before in my life. I suddenly wanted a baby more than anything. Teddy's baby. I'd always loved babies, but I'd never felt this primal need.

I looked at Teddy again, and saw that he was looking at me, intently. He leaned forward until our foreheads were touching, then he put his hand on the back of my head and pulled me in to kiss me. I wondered if anyone was watching, and what they were thinking if they were. I heard a camera clicking, and I wanted to see who it was and what was being photographed, but Teddy's grip on my head was firm, and he wouldn't release me, I could tell.

"You two are adorable. You look like Juliet's parents, and you look like you're ready to make another baby right here and right now," Charlotte said, laughter in her voice.

Teddy let go of my head and we turned toward her voice. She was standing in front of us, iPhone in hand, grinning. "Charlotte, we were having a private moment," Teddy said, laughing.

"While holding my baby," she returned. "I'm so posting that photograph on Instagram," she announced.

"No! Charlotte!" Teddy was on his feet. "You can't even imagine how hard it's been on her since those other photos hit the internet. Her life's been miserable. People have been calling her all sorts of horrible names, threatening her life. Think what they'll say and do if they see us cuddling and kissing while holding a fucking baby!"

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