Chapter 39

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"So, does anyone have plans for today?" Asked Ronan as we sat down to an impromptu brunch late the next morning. Geth and I were carefully cordial, and no one, with the possible exception of Janelle, seemed to notice anything. She gave us a couple of curious glances, but didn't ask any questions, thankfully.

"Well, I have dinner plans back in London, I have to be on the road by one o'clock at the latest," said Janelle, "so I'm afraid I can't participate in anything you've got going on today."

"Oh, bummer," I said, my California slang slipping out. "Sorry, I know that sounded so stupid, but I really like her," I said, looking around at the boys, and Janelle, laughing.

"I really like you," I repeated, looking at her. "You're the first non-male friend I've made in months. No offense, guys," I said, looking around again. "Plus, I just like you because, you know? Kindred spirits just recognize each other, I guess."

Janelle got up from her seat and came over to sit on my lap and give me a great hug. "When Geth was first telling me about you, love, I kept telling myself that he was just infatuated with your looks and the fact that there were no other young women around, like, for miles, that there was no way you could be as fabulous as he kept saying. But now, having met you, I have to say that I was wrong." She looked at me fondly. "Welcome to the UKC family, Tinker Bell." And she gave me a hearty kiss on the cheek.

The boys burst into spontaneous applause, along with cheers and whistles. I hugged her, kissing her back.

"And just think," she continued. "We both live in London, we'll have so much fun! You don't have to leave for New York until when? Next September, isn't it?"

"Hold on, hold on," I said. "What have you been telling her?" I asked the room at large. "It's an audition, you guys, I have to be selected. If I don't make it, that's it, I have no contingency plans, my education is over. I'll only be a master's degree for the rest of my life."

"Listen to you," Janelle said, getting off of my lap and sitting in the chair next to me. '"Only a master's degree', like it's shameful or something. First of all, a master's is incredible. Second, you're going to get it, your playing is phenomenal. That's all there is to it." She poured herself some more tea, standing up as she did so.

"Okay, everyone, I have to go upstairs and pack up my kit, make sure I'm not leaving anything behind. See you in a little bit."

"I thought Birdie might enjoy seeing St. Fagan's," Teddy said, taking my hand from the table and pulling me to his lap. He had been extra gentle with me today, probably because of the drama of last night. I didn't know if he was even aware he was doing it. It was very touching, and I had to be careful not to let him see me watching him.

"Oh, grand idea," said Gethin.

"What's St. Fagan's?" I asked.

"St. Fagan's National History Museum, I think is the full name," Gethin said. "It's a fully preserved Welsh village."

"It's an open air museum, you just walk around outside," Teddy explained. "The entire village is the museum, where you can walk into the different buildings, see what life was like back then, the architecture, farming, you know, stuff like that."

"Well, it definitely sounds like something I'd like," I said, "but I've never heard you say you're particularly interested in Welsh history. Won't it be dull for you guys?" I looked around the table. "What do you want to do?"

Gethin spoke up first. "Well, actually, I didn't want to say anything until I slept on it to make sure, but I pulled something during the match yesterday, I think." We all stopped what we were doing and stared at him.

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