Lazy Day(Grif(obviously))

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   "Come on, time to get up lazy-pants! Those darn blues could attack any minute!" Sarge sreams from the top of the base.
   You hear a disgruntled groan from Grif's room. "Sarge, the war is f***ing pointless. The blues aren't going to attack. Go back to bed."
   "You got that right." You say, loud enough for your neighbor to hear. He chuckled. Being the butt-kisser Simmons is, he is almost instantly up and out of bed, fully dressed, and stands in your doorway, half-done brushing his teeth with the toothbrush hanging out one side of his mouth.
   "C'mon, Y/N, get up!" His words were slightly muddled with the toothbrush, but he said no more and scurried off to nudge Grif. Reluctantly, you unravel yourself from your warm cocoon of blankets and expose you nightgowned self to the seemingly frigid air of your room. You quickly stride over to your closet, and shuffle through the tops and pants you had hanging in there. You found your favorite top(dark grey with the words 'Guess what. No one cares') and some light grey sweatpants with big pockets. Those pockets happened to be the perfect size to hide snacks from your commanding officer, Sarge. You slouch over to Grif's room, knowing that Simmons wouldn't have been able to get him out of bed. You were going to nag him the normal way, but got an idea. A crazy, awful, evil idea. No, you are not going to rip his blankets off(you aren't a monster, geez), but instead you decided to tickle the lazy man awake.
   "Ahh! Hahaha, Y/N, ahhhhhh! S-stop it! Hahahahaha..." You continued your relentless tickling until he fell out of the bed, thudding softly on the floor. He was breathing hard, trying to recover. "Why...don't...never...hooooooooo...never do that again." He managed to speak in between pants. You were just smiling, standing over him, waiting for the day to start.
   "If you don't want that to happen, just get up before I do." You say.
   "B****." He finally stands up, and looks down at you, just now noticing your outfit. "Lazy Day?"
   "Why else would I wear these? Your turn to pick the movie bee tee dubs."(lol I know no one says that anymore, I'm sorry) You and Grif go through the rest of the day watching movies, eating snacks, and cuddling during scary scenes in the movies because you got scared, even though you would never admit it. That day, was a good Lazy Day.

A/N: Hi-lo everyone! Sooooo...what did you think? This was my first imagine, so IDK how I did, but I will also take requests, so please let me know what you want! I had fun writing this and the outfit in the picture is the one I wore today, and I love it and that was my inspiration, so yeah. Love you!(like brothers and sisters bc I don't personally know you no offense.)

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