What if...(Proposal)

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   What if _______ asked you to marry them?
   (A/N: Only guys responses right now, but irl guys, if you are reading this, let me know so that I can do girl's responses too.)

   Church: (in Blood Gulch) You two would be sitting on the roof of the base, looking at the stars, he would kind of ask you something totally unrelated a little awkwardly, wait a minute, then come right out and say it. Maybe he would even apologize for not being more romantic.

Tucker: The day before he would only talk in pickup lines, then the day he asks he would be really flustered and keep starting to ask, but never actually manage it. Then in the afternoon at sunset he would run up, and spit it out, and give you the ring. He would be shocked when you said yes, and then he would do another pickup line before kissing you.

Caboose: You two would be coloring, and you would show him your picture, and when he showed you his, it would be him and you getting married. When you looked up, he was still cross-legged, looking at you expectantly. You would ask him if he hoped his picture came real, and it would be semi-official, and everyone else would be dumbfounded.

Washington: A few days in advance, you would walk past the boys, who were huddled in random places, half-hiding. When they noticed you walking by, hey would do one of two things: 1) Stop talking immediately and start whistling or staring at something pointless, or 2) Glance at you, and go back to whispering and keep looking back to make sure you moved on. At one point, you would get tired of the situation and sneak closer to the group, and overhear them talking about wedding plans and asking Wash questions. You would then realize and interrupt the small circle and Wash would have to propose (a bit awkwardly) right then and there, and of course, you would say yes.

Sarge: He's not really big on the wishy-washy lovey-dovey romance stuff, so he says, "You're a good man, Y/N. Or, woman...anyway, do you want to um...you know..." then he would pull the ring out of his pocket and just kind of offer it to you. "Yes!" You say. Then he replies, "Yes what?" "Yes! Sir." And then snuggles and shouting at Grif and Doughnut fangirling and Simmons congratulating you two.

   Simmons: He would be increasingly flustered the days before, always whispering hurriedly to Grif, freaking out about something, and then the fat one would respond in a hushed voice so you couldn't hear, then your boyfriend would hurry away, rubbing his hands nervously. The day it happens he stutters more than usual and eventually says it really fast, and he had to repeat himself a few times before getting himself together enough to say very clearly, "Y/N, I've known you for a while now, and you are the most amazing, beautiful, talented, smart, incredible person I have ever seen. I...I love you, and I want to be with you...not just like this, but...will you marry me?" At first you are shocked, then embarrassed, then overjoyed as you scream "YES" In the background, Grif hands Doughnut ten bucks while pretty in pink is wearing the 2nd biggest smile: The first is Simmons's.

Grif: You and Grif are sitting around, eating chips from who-knows-where and being lazy while avoiding work. Then he says, "Have you ever wanted to get married?" And you respond, "Yeah..." and then he says, "Cus' I kind of want to get married to you. You up for it?" And then you are like, "Sure." And you go about your day and be all chill.

   Doughnut: Everybody assumed Doughnut was bi, and they would be correct. Kind of. He goofed around with guys(especially Doc), but he was like, your best friend. So when he started avoiding you, stealing glances and giggles to himself, you got a bit concerned and curious. One day, he came up to you and asked, "Have you ever wanted to get married to anyone?" You were just kind of shocked. Actually, you had had a crush on Doughnut for a long time now, but didn't want to ruin the friendship, so you just nodded. Then he said, "Do you want to try it out with me?"
   "Are you asking what I think your asking, Dough?" That was your nickname for him.
   "Only if you think I'm asking you to marry me." He responded. Thankfully he was keeping those weird remarks down, and of course, you said yes, very flustered but happy.

A/N: Sorry, these are getting longer and longer...I just can't stop myself! Teehee😸

Felix: You two would have been dating for a while, (like any normal couple about to get married) and being him, we would secretly plan for a few days, then ask you to marry him in the form of a pick-up line. You would say...no. And he would be really confused and sad and then you would tell him that it was Opposite Day. He would be confused then, really really happy and then hugs and kisses and Locus walking up to you two and making a gagging noise and saying, "Get a room, you two."

Locus: Literally, he would just say this: "I...don't really do...feelings and stuff...but uh, would you, maybe, I don't know...do-do you want to um...have you ever...I was wondering, maybe...will you marry me, Y/N?" And then you respond with "100% yes!"

A/N: These got really crappy towards the end, I am so sorry😭 I am a terrible writer...

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