Kidnaping?-Part 2(Felix)(Modern)

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A/N: It looks like you all love Felix, so I'm doing another one on him. Can't blame you, he's my fav next to Tex. RIP.

"Training." The orange individual then walked off, but adding as a side note to Locus, "That's all we needed. Let's go. Show her to her room."
"My what now?" You question, not-so-blissfully unaware of what was going on. Locus then grabbed your arm none too gently and practically dragged you across the ship to a cage-looking thing with nothing more than a small cot, sparse sheets, a probably rock-hard pillow, and a half-wall with a bucket behind it. He pushed you lightly into the cage, and closed the door while simultaneously locking it.
"This is a bad idea." Locus's deep voice said from the cockpit. You could hear him perfectly since there was no door other than the bars of your cage and the ship was small.
"Maybe, but think for a second, okay? She's young. Naïve. We can still mold her into whatever we want. Plus, she already knows how to go slowly enough not to set off motion trackers, and she tried to hack the computer. I have a feeling we won't need to teach her much." The other man said. You still didn't know his name.
   "Yes, but it is also a teen. Teens are rebellious and challenge authorities without a second thought. If we are going by stereotypes, it will probably try to escape first chance it gets even if the only way out is deep space." Locus responds.
   "You called Y/N an 'it.' Well, 'it' is a she."
   "And she can hear you two talking about her, and doesn't know one of your names." You pipe up from your mini prison.
   A knife flashes in front of the cage, narrowly missing your fingers. You are about to speak up again, but instead decide to check out the knife. It had embedded itself in the metal wall a few inches from the metal of the cage. You wiggle it out, and noticed how incredibly sharp it was. It looked like a flat, thick, curved hunting knife. You flipped the blade over in your hand. Felix was etched in the side, probably carved in by other knives similar to this one. It had good weight, perfect for throwing, and very balanced. You had always secretly loved knives and were fascinated by the art of throwing them, so you had self-taught yourself to throw them in the woods with kitchen knives. You looked back towards the cockpit, deciding that must have been the orange one's name.
   "Okay Felix, why do you want to 'mold me into whatever you want' and what makes you think I'm 'naïve?'" You ask, absolutely no fear in your voice.
   "Well, you saw two full-grown men hop out of a space ship and kill a family, yet you still boarded said ship. Yet during none of that did you scream or kick or try to escape. Plus, Locus and I like adventure, and we're mercenaries, so we need more men...or, teenage girls in your case." He explained.
   There was some shuffling in the cockpit, then Felix stepped out and came to the entrance of your cage. He didn't seem to notice the fact that you had pocketed the knife, which you were grateful for. He put his elbow on the wall, and leaned on it casually, as if he was a high school jock with his buddies after school and you were a cheerleader walking past. You two just stared at each other for a minute.
   "When are we going to start training then? I'm bored." You lightly whine.
   "Hey Locus." He called to the cockpit. "I need to get into the cage. Lock us in, will you?" Felix asked.
   "We don't have another pilot." Came the response.
   "Umm do you see the big purple button in the middle? The one that says autopilot? You might-" He  is interrupted by Locus. 
   "Fine. The sooner you get done training her the better." There was a small *beep: autopilot activated* over the intercom before the green and gray individual came over, opened the cage for Felix, closed it, and locked it.
   Felix gestured to you as if to say, 'get ready.' You shift and stay on the balls of your feet, lightly bouncing. You also bent your knees and elbows slightly, forming a loose ready stance, balling your hands into fists.
   "A bit unfair, but okay." You tell him.
   "How so? I mean, everyone is at a disadvantage fighting me, but why do you say something?" He asks, as the both of you start circling.
   "Well you have armor, and probably hidden weapons, and I literally just have sweatpants and a sweatshirt, sooo..." you trail off.
   "Eh, you'll get armor eventually."

A/N: Sorry, another long one. This might be the longest. I am really sorry. Let me know if you want a part three! Or, some other situation with Felix. Or anything.

RvB Imagines/Scenarios and Stuff Like That??Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora