Can't Form a Sentence...(Locus)

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You had a crush on the local mercenary, Locus. You couldn't deny it. It was horrible.
You were apart of the federal army of Chorus, under the command of General Doyle. He has employed Locus as a mercenary, and luckily for you, there was no competition for him. Everyone else thought he was an absolute a**hole, but you just knew there was a soft side under that rough, gruff, mean, unfeeling exterior. Right now, you were in kind of a daze, thinking about him, when his deep, kind of gravely voice came up behind you.
"Are you...okay?" He gently asked.
"What? Oh I'm, hi how are you?" You say absentmindedly. He just kind of tilted his helmeted head away, and responded,
"I think that was what I just asked you."
"Oh, right." You mentally face-palmed. "Sorry. Yeah, I'm good." He just kind of walked off awkwardly. He goes away, while you stare back at him with a smile plastered on your face. "Stupid, stupid, stupid! Pay attention! He came up to you! That was your only chance! What were you thinking?" You chastise yourself over and over again, face-palming.
"You know, it's not that hard." Your General sits down next to you.
"What?" You ask.
"I mean, he's not my type, but it is really obvious that you like him, so just tell him." Doyle responds.
"Yeah, tell him and embarrass myself by being the only person in the whole army who has a crush on the totally buff, bada** mercenary who doesn't care about anyone else or show any outward feelings at all? Sure, I'll get right on that sir. No offense." You respond with sarcasm, only at the last minute remembering that this was your General.
"Well, true, but-" he begins.
"But nothing. Y/N, you could have just said something." Locus had heard you little rant and come back immediately. You were embarrassed beyond belief. You instantly turn around, just to confirm it was him, then cover your face in your hands, dashing to your room. You fly in, jumping face-down on your bed, beet red. You were screaming at yourself for being so reckless and loud. Of course he was still in earshot, he had just started walking away seconds ago!
   You were so deep in thought, you didn't hear the door close, or the footsteps getting ever closer to the bed. What brought you back to reality, was the bed sinking to on one side, and the gloved hand rubbing small circles on your back.
   You pretend not to notice, thinking it was Doyle trying to comfort you.
   "I...don't know how to say this, but...I...feel the same way." You were shocked that it was Locus's voice that responded. You were even more shocked when you realized what he had just said, so you just lay there, shell-shocked. Until, of course, Locus picks you up, and cradles your upper-half in his arms like a baby. You weren't in your armor, and Locus was always in his, although he had his helmet off for the first time, well, ever. "Is it true? Or, was that some sort of sick joke?" He asked.
   " do have a crush, a bit," You trailed off for a minute. "I was scared that I was wrong."
"What about?" He asked.
"About you. About you having a soft side, having emotions, anything. You just covered it all up. I just...I had a feeling that you were more than just a suit of armor and a gun. Luckily, I was right." You say, poking his nose cutely.

A/N: Yes, another long chapter, you probably hate it, but oh well. I love making these types of ones, and I try to fit the personalities right, but it is literally 11:07 at night, and I am at a sleepover, so yeah. Sry plz kill meh.

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