... (All of them)

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A/N: I read another one-shot book that had something like this, but it's very loosely based...not doing the same thing here(I think). Also this takes place on Chorus at some point.  PS: Imma also correct some spelling/grammar errors in the other chapters when I publish this one so if anyone's wattpad accounts go crazy with updates for this story it's really nothing big.

   (Takes place in that time when they are first in the gulch on Chorus but in here, well, you'll read)

   You walked over and through the dense shrubbery, watching out for snakes or panthers or aliens that want to rip your face off. You had been trudging a decent distance, trying to get away from the gunfire and war here on Chorus, but then you stepped and felt nothing under your feet. You looked down too late and found yourself falling onto some other rocks, bouncing off those, falling, landing on a bush, falling again, rolling off that, falling farther, and then on some other hard rock/dirt surface that you toppled onto. Amazingly, it didn't feel as if you had broken any bones. Bruises? Definitely. Going to be sore for the next few few hours? 100%.

   "Hi pretty lady." A childish voice says. You grunt in response, sitting up and looking to the new person. He was clad in a blue armor, one of the earlier models. "Are you lost?" He asked.

   "N- uh, maybe. Why do you a-ahhhhhh!" He scooped you up and slung you across his shoulder, turning around and sprinting deeper into the gulch. You were a bit too stunned to react, but were set down soon enough; much to your dismay, in from of more soldiers with more guns.

   "Wash she says she's lost! Can we keep her? Pleeeease?" The blue man asked. You looked at the others in the immediate area. The one right in front of you had baby blue armor with yellow accents, another two had turquoise/aquamarine, another had orange armor, and one other that was maroon. One of the turquoise ones had armor fitted for a girl, but all the rest seemed to be the guy's models.

   You just kind of stared awkwardly.

   "Caboose...she's not a do-" blue and yellow started before he was interrupted by the turquoise dude.

   "Dibs! Or, wait, unless you're a guy. Or crazy."

   "I'm not crazy...and I'm not a guy." (Sorry dudes, I just got he feeling Tucker isn't into guys cuz of quotes and I want to have him as an option for later) You told him quietly.

   "Okay cool then. You can stay with me~"

   "Who said I'll/she'll be staying?" You and the other female in the group asked, your volume actually going higher than hers.

   "Umm, I think I'm going to say she'll be staying." Some guy in purple armor walked up too.

   "Why? You're not my dad." You started felling a little queasy.

   "Well, first off, you have a branch going through your calf, and a bullet wound in your arm, and second, because of that, how have you not passed out fr...bl..." you couldn't hear the rest of his sentence, because you may have passed out from blood loss.

*Time skip brought to you by a shrug of idiocy*

   Once you come to, you are on a firm bed in a room. There appeared to be a medical kit open on the nearby table, but then again, this was definitely not the most sanitary place.

   Maybe it's a makeshift med bay. You thought to yourself. You sat up in the bed and immediately regretted it. Moving your leg caused intense pain to burn throughout your lower half. You sucked in air through your now clenched teeth, making a hissing noise. Amazing. I'm injured while surrounded by fully armed strangers. Your sarcastic comment to yourself brought a smirk to your face.

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