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"Hey baby, you got anything you wanna give me?" Tucker sauntered up to you.

"What? Why?" You asked back. His shoulders seem to slump. You'd only just met everyone two days ago, and already this guy had flirted with you multiple times. You had to admit to yourself though, you liked the attention and found him kind of cute.

"Oh, uh, never mind then." And with that, he walked off, which was odd for him.

Usually he would have come back and given you a flirtatious compliment or something by now, but apparently he was avoiding you, so you decided to ask your unofficial commander Church about it.

"Church, I think something might be wrong with Tucker...he's been avoiding me all afternoon and I don't know why."

"Huh. That's weird. Normally he'd be all over a new chick." You only knew Tucker for a few days, and somehow this little tid-bit didn't surprise you in the least. " know, I think I might know something. I usually don't care, but he's been going on about it for a few days now. I'm not sure though..."

"Just spit it out already, what is it?" You ask forcefully.

"I think it's his birthday tomorrow."

"He never said anything to me about his birthday. Why'd he expect me to know if I was never told?!" You say frantically. Church just made the classic 'I don't know' noise and shrugged. "I don't even know what types of stuff he likes... Church, what are you going to get him? I need ideas."



   "Hmm? Yeah? What's up?"

   "You're not getting anything for Tuck for his birthday, are you?" You say it more as a statement than a question because part of you knew it was true.

   "What would I give him, even if I cared?" He said incredulously.

   "Ugh, you're no help." You sigh and power walk away to your bunk to think. Luckily, Tuc-tuc wasn't in there. Then, you thought of an idea. "Oh, yes!"

   You called Vic and told him what you needed. "Why do you need-"

   "Shh-shh-shh, don't say it out loud. It's for... experiments. Just...can you have them delivered by tomorrow Vic? It'd really help."

   "Alright chika I'll see what I can dittly do for ya. Peace out! Sianara." And with that, the call ended.

-~<•>~-(I forgot how I did time skip symbol things)

   "Heeeeeey Tuckerrrrrrrrrr..." You gently shook his sleeping form in his bed. You were already up and dressed in civilian clothes, and he had fallen asleep in his. He shifted. "Tuck. Tuc-tuc. Honey darling sugarplum. Get up." You whispered in his ear.

   "Wh-what? Oh, hey (Y/N)."

   "Tucker, come on. I wanna show you something."

"It's something you'll like~" you whispered into his ear in a lower tone.

At that, he quickly got out of bed, taking care not to wake the others so there won't be interruptions, and followed you out of the base. You led him into a cave and told him to just stay there while you got something important.

Once you came back, you had one hand behind your back, but little did he know, there was nothing in it.

"So, Tuc-tuc, a little birdie told me it was your birthday today." He nodded. "So since you didn't tell me, I decided to get a little revenge." You got right up close in his face. "But before that, I wanted to ask." You put your mouth by his ear(you had to stand on your tip-toes). "Do you want a kiss?" You back off from his ear. A grin spread across his face. He leaned forward, and closed his eyes. As soon as he did, you put a Hershey's chocolate kiss between your lips, and Tucker's. "A HERSHY'S kiss?"

His eyes flew open when you said that, and he looked down to see that you had a handful of Hershey's kisses.

"...I don't even know what to say."

All you did was double over in laughter. Then again, this was beneficial. Maybe he did like you back. I mean, you wouldn't openly invite your crush to actually kiss you, but HE leaned in, so maybe- just maybe, he has a crush on you too.

A/N: Yeah to anybody new to this book, updates are as far from consistent as possible. Sorry about that, I just get spurts of inspiration and then if I try to write anything when I don't have that inspiration, I end up scrapping it anyway, so why bother? Anywhosle, I am nearly done with the next part to this as well so I'll have another update down the shoot very soon. Love y'all <3

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