Romeo & Juliet, but with Guns!(Doughnut)

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   *In this one, you are a guy, k? You'll see why if you read on. This is in Blood Gulch btw. Doughnut is kinda girly soooo...yeah don't judge too hard please.

   "Hey, the reds are having a party at their base tonight! Anyone want to go with me?" Tucker shouted while in the main part of the base with the rest of blue team(you're on blue team btw).
   "A party? Yay! Happy birthday, Sheila!" Caboose cheered.
   "Sure, I'll go. Why not?" You volunteer.
   "I'd rather enjoy the base being quiet for once, without all you idiots." Church said flatly.
  "We were invited?" You question.
   "Nah, but who cares?" The teal-armored man replied.

~Time skip, brought to you by Sarge's Shotgun~
~At the party~

   You were watching the others dance, when your eyes lit on one in particular. They were in pink armor, and it seemed as though they were having fun. They looked back at you, and your eyes locked. During the dance, they kept glancing back at you, and once the song was over you two made your way over to a corner to chat. Of course, you both immediately fell head-over-heels for each other(What did you expect? I mean, you read the title/chapter name thing, right?). Eventually, the party ended and you had to go back to your base. You couldn't get that pink-armored soldier out of your head, so you snuck back over in the early night, and there he was - Doughnut. Sitting on the top of the base, gazing off at the stars in the sky.
You called out to him, and he whisper-yelled back.
(Long story short, you two talked, you accidentally deactivated Lopez for a while, Sarge got mad and yelled at Doughnut, and you were banished from Blood Gulch. You people have read Romeo and Juliet before, right? Anyway, that's basically what really happens, spoiler alert!)
Caboose had been coming to you every so often to give you news on stuff in the canyon, since you were hiding out in the caves, but instead just made no sense and talked about random thoughts he had been having.
"He did the thing! He was crying and then he said wee and he flew but he couldn't fly and he went BLARGH and then he was really quiet!" Caboose came running and screaming to you.
"What? Who? And how did you remember that Caboose?" You question.
"Mr. Golden Flakey Crust!" (Caboose always calls Doughnut other pastries, but it's kinda late plus I had a test today so don't judge too hard k? Plz? Also, warning: death/suicide ahead, but again, its Romeo and Juliet sooooooo I don't know what you were expecting.)
You race back into the canyon in the night to mourn your fallen love.
" were the only one I loved...I shall join you in heaven!" *shoots self in head*
*Doughnut wakes up* "Oh no! I tripped off the roof and fell and took a nap, but you must have thought I actually died! Nooooooooooooo!" *Actually dies because of natural adrenaline overdose(That's possible, right?)*

"Hmm...better make sure they're dead." Sarge said before shooting yours and Doughnuts bodies.

A/N: Yeah, Im suuuuuuuper tired and I haven't had the time to write in a while, so this is not the best, but I have been rereading Romeo and Juliet so I just thought I'd put this out there. I wanted to fit in something with Doughnut other than just the general ones with a bunch of characters. Any other ideas or people you want, just lemme know. Cya :-)

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