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A/N: Got to say, I know I haven't updated in a long time, and I am super super super sorry😫! But I was just inspired. I was reading a different one-shots book by Trashbag_Fangirl so I just had to write this. I know, it's bad, but it's the best I've got right now.

You were pacing your rounds around the base, bored out of your mind. Life in Blood Gulch was...uneventful to say the least. Nothin EVER happened, and it drove you crazy. Sure, for the first few weeks, you had your imagination and exploring to keep you busy, but that can only take you so far before you start to want more.
So here you were, doing the same routine you had done since you arrived in the canyon, carefully placing your feet in your previous prints to trying to distract yourself. Pitiful. Thinking about this, as well as numerous other memories and annoyances, made you suddenly throw your gun to the ground, and shatter a boulder with one punch, which, on top of the heat made you pant slightly.
Tucker had seen(and heard) your little outburst, and decided to see what was the matter. He sauntered his way up to your position on the cliff, and was about to open the conversation with a pick-up line, but one random-rage-filled glare warned him otherwise.
"You not happy?" Was his next-best thing to greet you with.
"I just made a big bad boulder into tiny little, itty-bitty bits. Do you think I'm happy?" Came your tense response. He opened his mouth to respond, but you beat him to it. "That was rhetorical. And no, no I am not happy. I'm just...insanely bored." You then relax a little, as if saying your problem aloud in his presence made it slightly more bearable.
"Bored?" He repeated, shocked for a second, then thoughtful. "I've got just the thing!" He gently clasped your wrist in his hand and started back toward the base. You resist slightly.
"Wait, this isn' innuendo or some shitty attempt know?" You cautiously question.
"No, for once, no." Was his only reply before dragging you to his room and instructing you to sit on his bed. You do so, still cautious. "Okay, now close your eyes, okay? And hold out your hands." You do so, and stretch out your fists." Palms up and open, I'm gonna give you something." You change your hands to fit his description, and wait. Before your eyes fully closed, you could see him beginning to crouch down. You still weren't sure what to expect, but what you got didn't fit with anything you silently guessed. It was medium-sized, and not as light as you were expecting, but it also wasn't that heavy. The part touching your hand felt like paper, and when you opened your eyes, they lit on a book. It was the type that had a paper sheath-thing around the edges but was kind of a hardcover underneath. It was a (favorite book/series) book.
"Okay, not what I was expecting." You admitted, turning it over to look at the flip side. "But I like it."
"Do you think that will protect the rest of the boulders from your wrath?" He joked. You laughed.
"Yes, the boulders are safe for now. Thanks Tucker!" You quickly scuttled off to your room to read.
Unbeknownst to you, Tucker was sadly taken aback at the speed at which you left his room. He had wanted to talk to you about something important to him, and that was his perfect opportunity. Except you had raced out of his room with a minimal farewell. He knew you were only one room over, but he didn't want to interrupt your reading. He ducked back underneath his bed, and found a book he was rereading for the millionth time that month. No, he wasn't reading it for fun. The book's title was, 'How to Ask Out the Woman of Your Dreams.' It was the same size and cover style as he book he gave to you. He opened it up to be greeted by a different intro page than he was used to. He immediately recognized the beginning and went pale.
You had absolute perfect timing because that is when you popped your head in his room again with a questioning look on your face.
"Okay." You simply say.
"Um...I...I can explain! Wait, no I can't. I just, uh, here." He quickly switched the books in your hands. "Wait!" You turn and stretch your arm out of his reach and repeat yourself.
"Well, I'm the only 'woman' in this canyon, and judging by the bends on the pages, you obviously read this a lot, so if you wanted to date me, okay." You explain. Only now did you think of how awkward it would be if he was quitting being in the army and going home to a crush of his. What did you just do?
"Well, that certainly makes it easy." He sighs with relief. Oh thank goodness, he was reading it for you.
   "So you two are a thing now?" Church asked, disbelief in his voice.
   "Umm, yeah, I think so." You reply.
   "Yeah, I think we are a couple now." Tucker says.
   You start walking away, going off to read some more. "I knew you could pick up chicks as a space warrior." He added in an undertone to Church.

A/N: Again, sorry for the long wait, and also sorry this is a long one. It's really crap. I have nothing but apologies for you this chapter...

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