'Indirect' Contact(Theta)

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"Wind whipping by my face, carrying my hair behind me as I just zoom down an enormous hill, with an adorable guy you know by my side..." you sigh wistfully, "I can almost feel it now...but, then again, that can't ever happen. Not really anyway. You know?" You tell (S/N(state name))

"Yeah. You've explained this to me before, Z."

"Heh, oh, right...sorry about that." You shrug your holographic shoulders and continue to sit on (S/N)'s shoulder. You were an AI fragment just like all the rest of them in Project Freelancer, except you were given to an agent that wasn't actually on the leaderboard yet. Other fragments automatically crunch numbers and data and stuff, but you're not like that. You could do it if necessary, but you took to watching your opponent's moves and predicting their next ones. That's why (S/N) was the third best hand-to-hand combat fighter in the whole organization as well as being really good at stealth though patrollers.

The reason for this, is because you were Alpha's imagination. Sigma was the Creativity, but he needed you in order to make any fully-fledged plans. That's why Maine and (S/N) worked so well. (Alpha kept on thinking up all the ways the things he did impacted people on the outside, and how it hurt them, that he eventually fragmented on his own outside of any simulations the others put in place.) The director had told you when you 'woke up' that you weren't like the others. That you were a different case entirely, so you didn't see the other fragments as siblings to you. It was like you were just...really close family friends. You also just so happened to be a kid version; like Theta.

"So you said something about an adorable guy you know? Who is it?" (S/N) asked.

"Didn't you say I already told you?"

"Humor me." They instructed.

"I think you should humor our guest first. Hiya North!" You greeted, not turning around.

"Hey there, Zeta." North responded kindly.

"Hey North, can you keep a secret?" I asked him.

He looked around a little first. "Yeah, depending on the specifics."

"Where's Theta?"

"Oh, he, um...ah..." North stuttered.

"Th-the director had some questions for him."
(S/N) told me.

"So what was I hearing about this 'adorable guy'?" North asked again. I wondered why they were pushing this so hard.

"Zeta here has a little crushy. Isn't that right Z?"

You thought for a minute. Then, you cooked up a reason for them doing this.

"Theta." You responded.

"Awww!" The agents cooed.

"C'mon out here Theta, I know you're not in questioning."

"What?" North asked, shocked.

Theta flashed on the table in front of North. It was a rule that the fragments can't have any direct contact, so instead of direct contact, you and Theta talked to some random object and 'just so happened' to over hear one another.

"Hello there." He said, looking at the table he was standing on. "I wonder who Zeta was talking about earlier."

"Hey, table, can you keep a secret."

"You can tell me anything." Theta tapped his foot.

"I was talking about my best friend, Theta. I just wish I could tell him, and not make it weird. You know, so he doesn't hate me..." You told 'the table.'

You felt a pair of holographic arms wrap around your 'torso' and a heard a giggle next to your head.

"Table, can you say hi to my boyfr- uhh, best friend for me?"

"Oh! North! North!" The arms left you, and Theta rushed over to his agent. He 'climbed' up the purple and green armor, and whispered in his ear.

"I think I can manage that." North replied to whatever Theta said. But I'm gonna need you two to log off for this, okay?"

"Oh, alright." Theta said and waved to me. I waved back, sorta confused.

"How'd you know about-"

"I'm made out of imagination, and I live in your brain. I come up with crazy scenarios all the time. Give me some credit." You reply.

You logged off and later learned that North and
(S/N) are now dating, which is good for two reasons. One: you've been wondering when they'll get together. And two: it gives you and Theta excuses to get together more.

A/N: this one was requested by @TheFabulousFollower, so thank you to them! I had fun

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