Angel With a Shotgun(Locus)

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   You were just walking around base, wondering what to do. Your general, Donald Doyle, had not assigned you any groups or missions to go on for now, and you were bored. Locus, the new mercenary, was detached from the rest of the troops in a way. He never spoke to anyone except Doyle, he never interacted with us, used the training facilities when there were the least amount of people, and only grunted indifferently whenever anyone tried talking to him. Plus, he always kept his armor on, but you could tell he was really buff, and no one ever really tried to make friends with him.
You were a bit nervous around him yourself, probably because the first day you had a mission, a sniper nearly killed you, but Locus defended you and shot the bullet before it got to you, before shooting the sniper. Afterwards, he didn't make eye contact and just melted back into the shadows. No one believed you when you told them, so eventually you just stopped trying.
Anywho, you were just walking around, wondering what to do, where to go, when you heard music coming from one room in particular. Locus' room. It had his nameplate on it.
Locus - Mercenary
There was not only music, but a deep voice singing along.
"They say before you start a war; you better know what your fighting for; well baby, you are all that I adore; if love is what you need, a soldier I will be..."
It was Locus. He was singing. The cold, detached mercenary was singing. You decide to confirm your suspicions, and slowly open the door. He was sitting on the bed, turned away from you. He had something in his hand, and you stepped forward to take a closer look at it.
It turned out to be a piece of paper - a photo. It was taken in the mess hall, and was a little blurry, but you could make out the fact that you were the subject of the photo. You were mostly in your armor, but smiling at something halfway through eating a sandwich in front of you. He kept singing, and you found his phone beside him and stopped the music. He kept on singing for a second, before realizing there was no musical accompaniment. He immediately turned to face you. It was the first time you had seen him without any armor on, and to be honest he was kind of hot.
   "My favorite song." You say. (Idk if that's rly your fav song, but in the story you are at my every whim so yeah muahahahahah)
   He quickly stuffed the picture of you under his pillow.
   "It's alright. I saw it. But a bit creepy, so why?" No response. He just kind of looked away, but you could swear you saw a bright pink tint on his cheeks. "Wait, do me?" He kind of tensed up and turned away even more. "Locus?" You sighed. "You never really talk with anyone, but if you do want to talk to someone, I hope you can trust me." He waited before responding.
"I have to admit, having someone to confide in would probably be...beneficial. I do miss having a real friend. It's been a long time."
It's been years since then, and you and Locus had gotten really close. Recently he has been...busy off doing missions and recon and mercenary stuff. You never thought after all these years that he would betray the army, much less you. When the attacks started, you thought he would stop the men in black armor, but instead he was leading them. After his little charade, he was on top of a roof.
"Like sheep to the pen; ready for slaughter." There was an edge to his voice. Well, there was always one, but this was a big deal. Everything played out, and the colorful group used a teleportation grenade to escape. The men all left, and Locus was the last one there. He seemed to be checking the bodies and ash piles.
You sat down, resting your back on a wall, your arms going limp by your sides. You heard footsteps off in the distance, and they paused. Then it sounded as if he was running towards you. You closed your eyes, part of a plan forming in your head. You felt your helmet being ripped off your head, and then heard some clicking and his helmet clunked on the ground nearby. He put his forehead on yours, then felt tears drip on your armor.
"I'm so sorry, Y/N." He was crying. "I never meant for this to happen to you...I thought you would survive...I'm sorry..." his voice cracked with real remorse. No, he betrayed you. He lied to you. You were at least going to confront him.
Your eyes shot open and you slapped him. "Yeah, thanks for the heads-up." You got up and started to strut out. You felt him grab your arm and tug you back. And he hugged you. You couldn't help yourself. After a minute, you hugged him back. You didn't need words. The fact that he cried for you, that fact that he hugged you, the fact he genuinely apologized; it was all you needed. You two fought side-by-side since, and he defended you with his life.

A/N: Bet you were expecting more kissy-kissy, huh? No, this is just a fluff. I love Locus, and thinking of him singing just made me think of this. Btw, LOVE THIS SONG. Look it up, and the RvB animation/action montage or whatever because just...awwwww! I am needing out now, luv u. Leave a comment or something to tell me how you like this!

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