Help IRL

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   Hey people! I know, lots of author's notes lately, but I need something me writing advice, because I have some cute scenarios floating around in my head, but I need characters to go with them. So, I went through the chapters I have and marked down which characters I have written for and made not of which ones I haven't. Also, I guess science you all are reading and I don't know you I'd give the option of Reader x girl because idk if guys are reading this or whatever sexuality you may be, so it's not really my thing, I'm just trying to be inclusive here. So, anyway, I'm going to list all the characters I have not written for yet here, so if you have any suggestions, please leave it in the comments. Either scenes, or just characters, I'll do my best. Anyway, here's the list:

York(I might start one on York just bc right now)
CT(rude guy at temple)
Jax(reporter guy from recent(season 15) episodes)
Director(kinda still Church but idk)
Andy(the bomb)
The AI fragments(Delta, Sigma, Omega, Gamma, Epsilon(still Church idk))

Carolina(kinda already in ...(All of them) )
Dr. Grey
(And that other chick in the elite squad on Chorus who's name I totally didn't(*cough* did *cough) forget)

I also might do specific personality types, if you wanna make it more personalized. If that happens I am still going to do the Y/N thing because it just bothers me, but I will take personalities now if ya want. Kk bye bye now plz feel free to comment. If you want faster updates I need suggestions, not because I'm trying to be mean, I just have no idea what to do... that's why his is titled 'Help IRL'

    This may or may not update often because I will be taking names off the list after I do them, so if you find that annoying tell me so I can make a personal note rather than bombard you all with updates.

RvB Imagines/Scenarios and Stuff Like That??Where stories live. Discover now