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Sharkbait, who ha ha! ~It's time to play...guess that movie reference!~ First person to guess gets a virtual hug <3

Also, this was requested by @xXKate_WinchesterXx so thank youuuuu

Also, there is another Sharkface x Reader at the end of this, so right after this one, there is another. This first one follows the request, so it's SF x Civilian!Reader, but the next one is SF x Merc!Reader so depending on which one you want, I've got em both right here ^w^

That's why this one took a long time to write...

*Third person POV

   "Another heist?" Sharkface questioned.

   "It's what I decided on. Easy and well-paying. What have you got?" The other merc asked him, not actually expecting a response from the brute.

"Actually, all I have to do is watch a box and I get lots and lots of money. You think what you got is good? Pfft. Ameture." Sharky responded, leaning back a little and intertwining his fingers behind his head.

   On his way to his new job, he saw a civilian walking by. She was easy on the eyes too.(IDK if that's dorrogitory, but I think it's good. If I messed it up I'm sorry.) Usually, he wasn't one for conversation, but he figured that knowing one cute girl couldn't hurt.

   So being the confident guy he is, he saunters across the street to her and leans an elbow up against the brick wall, blocking her path.

   "Hey." He greeted.

   "Hello?" Her voice was so adorable, he forgot the pickup line he was going to use, so instead, he improvised.

   "You look nice." He quirked an eyebrow.

   "Um..." She was blushing very hard already. Sharky thought he cold have some fun. "Th-thank you, your armor is very...shiny."

   "I can show what's under the armor if you want, eh?" At this comment, her blush only increased, but her face showed annoyance.

   "And just who do you think you are to me?" She shot back at him.

   "Your dream man." He leaned in close, and she flinched back a little and huffed.

  "And what might my 'dream man' be called exactly?" She quizzed.

   "You strike me as one who likes a mystery, so I'll leave that for you to figure out." He purred.

   Then, one of his new partners called out to him. "Hey, Sharkface, you coming, or what?" Shark turned and called back.

   "Gimme a minute!"

  An adorable giggle filled the air. "Sharkface? What are you, a batman villain?"

   "Tch. No." It was his turn to be annoyed.

   "Well, it was nice meeting you, but I think we're FINished talking. See ya later Fishsticks!" She ducked around him as he called out one last time.

   "Hey, what's your name?"

   "If I could quote a friend, 'You strike me as one who likes a mystery, so I'll leave that for you to figure out.'" And with that, Sharkface was left alone to go guard a box.


You were a merc. A mercenary. But you were...different. Most of them were the stereotypical uncaring, money-loving, heartless, ruthless, badass bastards. You...that just wasn't the case. Yeah, money was awesome, and yeah, there was a lot of...morally questionable things you would be willing to do for said money. Then again, you had a heart. A sense of humor. Imagination. Whimsy. Creativity. Ingenuity. You weren't a mindless killer. When you were paid to kill someone, you did it quick. The person didn't even know you were there until they were dead. Their deaths were as quick and painless as possible.

   So when the freelancers came, and brought that building down on your friends...you just broke for a while. The building came down, you got out first because you were close to the door, and turned around and watched your friends be crushed. You were shocked, yes. You had some good times with them, but they were all so different from you. So...detached when it came to missions. Except one. You watched the building crumble down on top of them. You watched their arms snap under cement blocks, you heard their screams stop in an instant and the sickening screams be silenced. You were right there, and couldn't do a thing.

   When you eventually left the scene, you saw one person walking away a short distance away from you. Sharkface. You two had never been close before, but he was the only one you had left. So you ran to him. You sprinted accross the ruined parking lot, vaulted over the rubble until you got to him, shouting his nickname.

   "Sharky!" You barreled into him, giving him a big bear hug despite the armor. He was obviously surprised at first, but realized it was you soon enough.

   Unbeknownst to you, he liked the fact that you were different. He liked your sense of humor, your dedication to the rest of you team, and everything you did while you were out-of-armor fell into three categories: perfect, cute, and adorably idiotic. He had thought you'd died in the collapse of the building. He was so glad to see you again, and completely ecstatic when you hugged him.

   When you eventually stopped crying from the relief  of seeing him, the adrenaline was wearing off fast, and you became conscious of the pipe by your side. No, not by your side...in your side. And the large gash in your leg, and the part of your helmet that had been blown through by bullets.

   "Shark...I've...just gotta say..." You started.

   "Y/N?" He ended the hug, and took you by the shoulders to get a look at your face, before realising how badly injured you were. "Y/N!" He started panicking.

   "I...I like you. I think you would've been a good dad..."

   "I- no, Y/N, don't go! Don't go, don't go, don't go! You're all I have left...don't go..." you couldn't hear the rest of his pleads as the spark of life left your eyes. He stayed there for a while, mourning you. You'd died in his arms. To be honest, it wasn't the way you had wanted to die. But at least you'd told him what had been eating at you for the past few years.

   I guess you didn't survive the building collapse after all.

A/N: I thought this would go to a much happier place when I started writing it, but then it just kinda morphed into a tear jerker...sorry ;-;

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