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   You were out near the park, walking around, trying to clear your head. It was a chilly day, but the sun was out, and the wind was down, and you had a sweatshirt and sweatpants on, so you were fine. There was a large field next to the park, usually used for junior soccer games. It was really big, and there was a small forest surrounding it. Life was pretty boring. Right now, there was a little family playing on the playground, and you were sitting on a log in a patch of trees. You were thinking random thoughts, zoning out, and at some point, you noticed a mechanical humming growing louder by he second. You looked around, confused. Before you knew it, a crazy space ship landed in the middle of the soccer field. The small family started running away, but with the little ones slowing them down, they could not get to their car before men in armor jumped out and shot them; a single bullet to back of each one's head, and down they went.
Holy f***. You thought to yourself. No matter how much your brain told you to get out of there at top speed, your gut told you something else. What could possibly be on that ship? Why did they land here? What does it look like on the inside? Who are these guys? There was only one way to answer any of these; get on the ship and hack away. Or stowaway, since you had almost no idea how to hack a computer, much less a space computer.
   Either way, you were getting on that ship. You just had to make sure you weren't spotted. You started to quickly creep towards the mysterious ship, when one of the armored individuals, the one in dark steely and orange, said, "Hey, Locus, I'm picking up something on my motion tracker." as he turned to point his gun your way. Luckily for you, the trees still concealed you from view, and you didn't wear any flamboyantly colored clothing.
   "Well, I didn't see you take time out to set it, so you are probably just picking up a squirrel." The other's voice was deep, but ice cold. His armor had the same dark steely base color, but his accents were green. The original man grumbled, but lowered his gun and turned back away. You decided to creep way slower this time, hopefully not setting off the trackers. Thankfully, you made it onto the ship. You got to what seemed to be the cockpit, and decided not to go near the window; they might see you. Instead, you keep walking until you see a terminal with a holographic screen. Realizing that, yes, even though you had no idea how to hack, you decided to try anyway. Though they were muffled, you could hear police sirens getting closer.
   "Step away from the terminal." You recognized the voice as the one called Locus, and heard a gun cocking at your head. Your face drained, remembering what happened to the family, knowing that you probably only had a few seconds to live.
   You do as instructed, and step away, holding up your hands. Oh god, I am going to die.
   "No, first I need to show you to my partner." He said.
   "I said that out loud, didn't I?" You ask.
   "Yes. You did. Now put your hands down, and come with me. And don't even think about escaping." You meekly comply, and Locus's 'partner' walked up the ramp and into the ship.
   "Well, well, well. What do we have here?" He says.
   "A Y/N, nice to meet you...I guess?" You reply, almost instantly feeling a handgun under your chin.
   "I like this one. Locus, I think I want to take her." The steel/orange-clad soldier commented, and you could basically feel the smirk.
   "Taking me for what?" You ask.

A/N: Sorry this one was long, I got really inspired. I always imagine this happening to me, so I figured I would share it with you guys/girls.

RvB Imagines/Scenarios and Stuff Like That??Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora