What If...(Jelousy)

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This one was suggested by @HotHead-Ace
   Thank you soooooo much! And this is extra special for me too, because you are the very first person to suggest something! So extra special thanks! <3
   Alright, I'll get on with the senarios😉

   Also, uh, this is RvB, so this is kind of expected, but strong language is used in this chapter; just saying.

   Church(Blood Gulch): You would be talking with Tucker, because while you were on patrol, he may or may not have cornered you on the cliff. He was still trying out his pick-up lines, since Church had not yet plucked up the courage to officially ask you out yet. Mostly you and Church just stayed up stargazing and falling asleep on each other's shoulder or something.
   "I'm no organ donor, but I'd give you my heart." He said in a low voice, trying(and failing) to be suave.
   "Well, you're out of luck, because I wouldn't accept it." You reply defiantly. His face changes from annoyed, to smirking as he leans closer. "Umm, what are you-" You start backing up inch by inch towards the edge of the cliff. His face was centimeters from yours, and you shut your eyes tight, leaning away from the inevitable. Then some fabric rustling, and a muffled, rocky crash.
   "Get. Away. From. My. Y/N!" Church screamed in the other soldier's face, getting ready to punch him. Which he did; right where the sun don't shine. As Tucker crumpled to the ground, you edged your way around to see that Church was still staring menacingly at him, face tinted a dark red from rage.
   "Th-thanks Church." Was all you said. He turned toward you, losing his fighting stance to stand tensely by the rock wall, using one hand to stroke the other arm nervously.
   "Ahh...no problem, Y/N." There were a few minutes of awkward silence. Then Tucker ruined it.
   "Hey, baby, I-" He did not get a chance to finish. Church turned again, and kicked him in the stomach, sending the teal-sweatered man tumbling down the steep cliff side back towards base.
   "Fuckin' prick." You heard Church mumble. (A/N: I'll leave the rest of that situation to your lovely imaginations.😁)

Tucker: You had arrived at the rebel base a few hours ago, with only minor injuries from the previous battle. Tucker, your boyfriend of five years, had been knocked out, and was in med bay. Lots of your friends got captured: Sarge, Wash, Doughnut, Lopez, and-oh, Freckles...He hadn't been doing so well when you left. You wondered if he was okay. If anything happened to any of them, how would Caboose react? You decided to comfort the blue-armored baby-man. He had been in the corner, playing with one of those slide puzzles from back on earth. You had no idea where he got it from. The picture was of a smiling cat emoji, and Caboose had his helmet off and you could see his tongue protruding from his lip slightly in concentration.
"Hey boo-boo. How are you holding up?" You used the nickname you had given him in the early days at blood gulch. He looked up at you, and immediately got teary-eyed. He jumped up and gave you a big bear hug. You were surprised, but quickly hugged back, sharing a bit of his pain. When you let him go, you two talked for a while, and eventually got onto happier topics. Then it was time for lights-out, and you went to separate quarters. You thought about going to visit Tucker, when, low and behold, you found him in your doorway.
"Tucker! You're awake!" You say excitedly, rushing to him for a hug. His arms were crossed, and he had a look in his eyes. "Wh-what's wrong?" You ask. No response. That is highly unusual for him.
"Heh. I'm only gone for a day, and already you've found someone to take my place? That makes me feel just fuckin' great." You were immensely hurt by this.
"T-take your place? What are you talking about?" You asked him, the pain present in your voice.
"I saw the way you looked at Caboose! I saw how you hugged him and laughed with him. I didn't even cross your mind this afternoon, did I?" He half-shouted at you. He never does that. This wasn't like your Tucker at all.
"T, you know Caboose is like a baby brother to me right? You're my boyfriend. No one could ever replace you in my eyes." You said hesitantly, stepping forward. "Tucker, I did honk about you. That's why I went to Caboose. I knew how much I missed your company, and you are a really great friend of his; I wanted to make sure he was doing okay. No one could ever replace you Lavernius. Remember that." You were standing right in front of him. Gen he went from sulky and cross-armed to hugging you with tears in his eyes.
   "Just...don't leave me...okay? I need y-you, Y/N."
A/N: I know this is long, sorry. I got inspired.

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