Confidence and Blushes(Tucker)

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First and foremost, this was requested by @XxLuka-chanxX so thank you for giving me inspiration to keep writing! Okay on with the fluff now hope you like it!

*Just for reference, this is taking place early on in the series while we're all still stuck in Blood Gulch*

   As per usual, you're pacing slowly around the outer edge of the tiny canyon you shared with five other men(Doughnut and Caboose haven't even arrived yet so yeah) with your helmet off for once, when all of a sudden:

   "Hey baby, what's poppin'?" It was a voice you knew well and instantly recognized after just three weeks at this outpost. Yes, just twenty-one days and already you could pinpoint Tucker's voice in a chorus of screams for blood(mostly from Sarge and Church). You turn to look at the handsome space pervert - you had also figured out this tid bit in the short time - and before you could make a snide remark, he answered his own question with a grin. "I thinks it's your sweet ass." (Worse words have been said, get over it Author, it's not that funny!)

   In return for this attempt at flirtation, Tucker received an eye roll and smirk. "Alright, but just one, okay?" You say mischievously.

   "Wait, what?" He obviously was not used to getting a confident response. Almost against your own will, your feet carried you up onto your tip-toes, and you gave him a small kiss on his cheek. At first he was astonished, his expression reading blank. After a couple seconds, that contorted to surprise which included his eyes widening to the size of pancakes, and eyebrows raising to exponential heights, and then his expression stopped changing. A bright hue of red crept across his dark features, beginning at his ears, then blooming everywhere in between.

   "You're cute when you blush, y'know?" You comment with a small but playful smile before turning your back and skipping away contentedly. On the inside you were completely freaking out, but your weren't about to let him know that. I mean, one of the cutest guys in the canyon just flirted with you and you kissed him. What are you thinking? I honestly have no idea. You're absolutely crazy. As you wander off in search of other entertainment, you hear the overjoyed hoot and moment of triumph from where you had left Tucker.

   "Yes! I did it! She loves me! Suck on that Church! Suck on that Grif! I did it! I told you she loves me! Woooooo hoooooo!" After that came a little jingle on how amazing he is. You had to admit, you agreed with that sentiment more or less. Besides the matter of pervertedness, Tucker was A) super funny B) super cute and C) really a gentleman when he wasn't busy looking at your butt. You decided that if he wanted anything he'd catch up to you, and not long after the jingle ended, you heard him running up behind you.

   "You sure I couldn't get another one of those? Maybe for a little longer?" He asked not-so-innocently with those adorable eyes of his.

   "Yes, I'm sure. At least for now. But it'll never happen again if you annoy me about it, so be patient." You chide him.

   "Awww, please? Just one more?" He pleaded.

   "I like it when you beg." Again, he blushed, but this time he tried to cover it up, however unsuccessful he was at it.

   A/N: Okay, I know this was a bit short, and I have no idea why I was off Wattpad for as long as I was recently, and I'm sorry I haven't updated this in FOREVER, but I'mma give you people this piece to keep ya goin through the new year for now. Also, it's almost my birthday, so yay! And yes, I'm a Capricorn. Yay astrology shit! I wonder how many of you are also Cappies...feel free to comment if you are!

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