Puppy(Modern AU)(Locus x Felix x Reader)

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   A/N: In this A/U, Felix didn't die, okay? Just clearing that up.

   You were on your knees, sitting on your propped-up heels, clinging onto his arm for support.
   "Pweeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaase Fewix?" You said in a baby voice, making the cutest pouty face you could muster. You had wanted a dog for a long time, but you knew your boyfriends would never let that happen...maybe. Your boyfriends are Locus and Felix, and Felix is against getting a dog because-
   "No, Y/N, they'll get fur all over my clothes and we have to pick up their shit every day! Literally!" He argued. The boys were standing next to each other, and you were determined to break one of their resolves, and Felix is so much easier to woo than his counterpart. Locus didn't want a puppy for more...sentimental reasons than fashionable or gross ones.
   "Y/N, where would they sleep? I'm not going to pamper them with a dog bed, and they always take up the entire space if we let them sleep with us. Plus, you two don't know the first thing about caring for a puppy." Locus. Of course. He was getting...not as...emotionally cold. Still more logical than compassionate.
"Tch, yeah, right! I had a dog when I was growing up. Do you mean YOU know more about owning a pup?" You respond.
"You had a dog? I thought you wanted one because you never had one." Felix countered curiously.
"Well, I mean...I babysat this really old dog one time for my neighbor...but it counts! Even if he was asleep the whole time." You say, standing up, crossing your arms, and puffing out your chest proudly. They looked at you in a kind of disinterested 'Wow. You just...disappoint me rn.' way. "Well, do you have any betters experiences?"
"I had a chocolate lab for thirteen years of my childhood. I was responsible for it, and then one day, it got cancer. Mom and Dad took him away to get treated and I never saw him again." Locus said. His tone was flat but he turned away at the end to cover his wiping the tears that were forming in his eyes.
"Well, did you love him?" You gently ask. He nods, and Felix puts a hand on his shoulder for comfort. Maybe if we get a dog, they'll remind you of him. You can teach them the same tricks. Maybe they'll finally make you happy again." You urge with a smile. Now your end goal wasn't just to get a dog; now it was to help Locus feel better. And you believed a dog could do that. Man's best friend, they always say. (Whoever 'they' is.)
After a while, you all agree that, yes, getting a dog could have benefits and be fun, so you all headed to the pet store. You looked around for a while, and Felix managed to make his way to the cat section, falling in love with an orange tabby kitten. You pried him away and sped over to the dog section, and browsed the cute pups. Your eyes land on a medium/small puppy. They had golden-brown fur, and floppy ears. You called the boys over. You all cooed at the pup, until a clerk came over.
   "Hello. Is there anything I can help you with today?" He asked with a small smile on his face. (I mean, who wouldn't be smiling when you spend all day every day with adorable puppies and kittens and hamsters and AWWWWWWW.)
"Yes, can we buy this puppy?" Or at least play with them?" You ask quickly.
"Sure! Here, let me take him to the back room. It can get a little crowded out front here..." He responded, gently but firmly picking up the young canine, and leading the three of you towards the back of the store. There was a line of five doors, all with a single window in them. He led you in front of a few of them, glancing in and seeing that they were full, moved on to the last one. "Alright. Today is busy, sorry, you're lucky there is one left. You have one hour. Speaking of, I should probably check in on some of the other customers before my shift is over. Have fun, and thank you for coming!" With that, he let you all in, set the pup down, pointed out the basket of toys, and walked out, closing the door behind him.
   Long story short, all three of you immediately fell in love with the pup, got them and their puppy supplies that day, and PUPPY LOVE BECAUSE ADORABLE.

RvB Imagines/Scenarios and Stuff Like That??Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя