Rollin' Outta Bed (Grif)

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   You groan. "Uuuuugggghhhh..." You had just come to consciousness. No, you hadn't been knocked out, and no you weren't sick. You were just super tired.

   You were so tired, in fact, that you rolled out of bed. Not the graceful 'roll one and a half times and swing your legs off the bed to get up gracefully,' but instead do more of a 'yawn a bunch while you kick off your sheets and literally roll off the side of the bed so that you fall on the floor.'

   Your antics startled your boyfriend, who happened to be the only other person in the base. Sarge, Simmons, and Doughnut found that it was impossible to wake Grif up in the mornings, and learned not to wake you up either. Let's just say that Simmons and Doughnut still have bruises and they stopped trying three weeks ago(I don't get bruises often, so idk medical stuff but this sounds bad-ish).

"(Y/N), I swear, if you keep waking me up by you falling off the bed, I'm gonna have a heart attack. Now get over here and go back to sleep with me." He ordered lazily.

From all the way across the canyon, you heard a faint, "Bow chicka bow wow!" most likely from Tucker. Mental note: beat him up later.

"Emphasis on later." Grif told you.

"Did I say that out loud?" You question.

"Yep." He replied, scorching over in the bunk as you walked over to him.

"I swear I don't usually voice my thoughts." You inform him. He lifted up the blanket and gave you a pointed look.

"C'mon, I'm getting cold." You crawled in next to him, immediately snuggling up close and the both of you fell right back asleep.

"Alright, I heard talking, so I know you guys are-...up..." Simmons caught sight of the two of you, and sighed. "Guys, I know you're awake." Simmons made his way over to you, and shook each one of you lightly. "Seriously, how do you guys fall asleep so quick?" This last part he muttered, but otherwise left the room.

"Heh. I think we fooled him." Came the whisper in your ear.

" up for some Oreos?" You whispered right back at him.

"You bet I am." He replied, reaching back and around and bringing out the box of chocolate-y creamy goodness. He took one out, biting into the slightly crumbly treat.

"Should I even ask how you managed to get these?"

"I'm to lazy to answer even if you did right now." He gave you a crumb-laden kiss, and you two kept snacking and just stayed in the bunks. All. Day.

It was awesome.

A/N: Short, yes, but it's 23:17 (military time cuz space 'warriors') for me right now and my sleep schedule was completely screwed up last night soooooo yeah sorry if it sucks.

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