Sleepy Drawings

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tw: i think none, unless you count voyeurism as one

Dan didn't have much free time lately, which was not at all surprising. He was constantly neck-deep in thick text books and important essays that made his fingers ache from typing. Every time he so much as thought about the tests and exams he had to study for in the near future he broke out into a nervous sweat, his hands already reaching for the nearest textbook. He needed to cram as much information into his brain as possible, and then shove his fingers in his ears in hopes that it wouldn't fall out.

He was barely sleeping too, seeing as how studying was more important than letting his brain recharge. And when he wasn't studying he was trying to enjoy himself on the internet, taking a small break and trying to relax. That usually ended in him feeling even more stressed out though, convinced that he was wasting time, and so he'd find his way back to some sort of online textbook or article. It had been a vicious few weeks, but soon it would all be over, after he took these stupid tests and was free for an entire summer.

Maybe it was because of this, the constant studying, his eyes rimmed-red with purple bruises tinging the underside of his eyes, along with the strain he felt to even move his eyes across the pages and decipher the words in front of him, that he fell asleep. He was in the library, a huge textbook propped open on his lap, with his head leaning to the side. He didn't even notice as his blinks became longer and slower, his body sliding slightly lower, until his eyes didn't open again. He drifted into sleep easily, despite the fact that he was sitting instead of laying down. Dan could easily remember thinking that these beanbags had been crappy and flat all the times he'd sat in it before, but now it felt like a bed of clouds, one that lured him to sleep in its comfortable clutch.

Dan, being asleep, of course didn't notice the art major wander sleepily into the library, a sketchpad and a frappuccino clutched in his hands. Everyone was tired these days, even the artists, who most people assumed had it easy. And Phil, the art major, wouldn't argue that he had it easy, but it definitely wasn't easier than most. He still had all his other classes to worry about, plus he was constantly using his pencils down to stubs and draining up all the ink in his pens. He drew on every surface he could find, practicing and practicing, trying to get ready for his final.

He sat down whenever he had the time, drawing his surroundings in as many different styles as he could. The art major rarely had the chance to draw people though, as they were all busy studying or drinking (to try to forget about studying). Nobody really had the time to sit down and be drawn, even if it would only take about twenty minutes if Phil was hurrying. So when he saw the boy (the undeniably attractive boy, perfect for drawing) sleeping in a beanbag, curled up and looking precious, he couldn't help himself. He practically tore open his sketchbook, hastily retrieved the pencil from behind his ear, and approached him.

Phil was careful to trod lightly, knowing that people these days were high strung and could wake up at the buzz of a fly, suddenly remembering something that they needed to review. He quietly sat himself in front of the boy, on the library's table, and set to work. He really hoped that the librarian wouldn't come this way, knowing that it was likely he'd be yelled at for sitting on the table, and the pretty boy in front of him would most definitely wake up.

His pencil flew across the page hurriedly, not knowing how long it had been since the boy fell asleep nor when he might wake up. He was quick to draw the basic outlines, the oval of the boys head and the criss crossing guide lines on his face. It looked pretty rough as he went along, but he was hurrying, and he knew that he could touch it up later if he really wanted. The further along he got in his drawing, the slower he went. It was harder to rush when you were trying to shade something ever so perfectly, or draw the small but important curve in someone's nose. He knew that if he messed up enough minor details it would ruin the entire picture.

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