Push Leads To Shove

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Phil glared at the back of the pompous idiot's head sitting mere rows in front of him. The owner of said head's hair was curling slightly at the tips, due to the exertion he'd had in the class before, gym. Dan Howell, owner of said curly hair and pompous idiotic attitude, was about the biggest asshole in the world, Phil would wager.

He was mean to just about everybody, and he seemed to have a heart of steel, as nothing anyone ever said or did as retaliation seemed to do anything. Phil was usually a pretty nice and mild person, but when it came to Dan Howell, he turned just as mean as Dan was.

It was commonly known that they were enemies, of sorts. Phil was nice to everyone except for Dan, who he was horrendously mean to, which was quite unlike him. And Dan was horrendously mean to everybody, but for Phil he managed to kick it up a notch, his words even more biting and cold. They rarely got into any physical fights, usually sticking to harsh glares and harsher words, but sometimes their hatred did manifest in a pointed trip or shove.

Phil had no qualms about getting into a fist-fight, though. On more than one occasion he'd actually taken a step forward, fists curled at his sides and ready to pummel into Dan's nose. Dan, however, seemed in no way interested in a fight of any physical kind. Phil assumed it was because he was so obsessed with his looks. His hair always straightened to a T (straighter than Dan himself, Phil had heard rumored) and his clothes always crisp, clean, and impeccable. There was no chance Dan was willing to risk messing up his appearance.

This, of course, was probably what contributed to Dan's worse-than-usual attitude the block before. Not only was he in gym, his often and loudly stated least favorite class ("I did not come here to get sweaty.") but they'd also been forced to run a mile in the humid outdoors, which had caused Dan's hair to curl. Dan had spent many angry minutes in the locker room after gym, desperately trying to straighten his hair with water and paper towels, all the while complaining about not having his straighteners with him.

Phil saw this weakness, this insecurity, and like any good arch enemy, he picked at it.

"Nice hair," Phil had scoffed, standing a few sinks down from Dan. There was no doubt of who Phil was talking to, as they happened to be the only ones in the room. Phil actually didn't dislike Dan's hair, and if he were any person other than Dan Howell, Phil would admit that it looked quite cute.

Dan's eyes lowered, and his jaw clenched noticeably. Usually when they fought, Dan was careful to keep his looks cool and placid and unaffected, even as his snipes and jibes fell from his lips, in an equally unaffected tone. Phil was usually the one to succumb first, to glare and grind his teeth and clench his fists, but today, Dan was visibly angered immediately. Simply because of his appearance. Phil tucked this information away for later.

"Better than yours," Dan snarled. "I hear your hair is orange under all that hair dye."

Phil shrugged. He wasn't insecure about his appearance, especially not his hair. Besides, it was actually brown under his hair dye. It had only been orange for a brief span of time years ago, when a horrible accident paired with cheap hair dye messed up his hair for a month.

"I'm just saying that it's obvious you try very hard on your appearance," Phil said cooly.

Dan's eyes continued to glower, but his tone was calm, "I do actually care about how I look, unlike you, obviously." Dan delivered this comment with a very obvious look from Phil's head to his toes. Phil didn't think his outfit looked so bad. He was just wearing a pair of black skinny jeans and a colorful shirt. This was Dan he was talking about though, dressed carefully in skinny jeans a fashionable buttoned up shirt. Carefully chosen earrings to match the shirt, and stylish shoes that were obviously well taken care of, without a single scuff mark on them.

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