Chapter 1

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Molly paced around the bathroom.
This had got to be the longest 3 minutes ever.
She caught sight of the screen as it changed to reveal 2 distinct blue lines. She cursed in her head as she picked up the stick looking down at the screen and then to her stomach.

How is that possible? Molly thought to herself as a lone tear rolled down her cheek. They had been so careful. She stopped her pacing and leaned against the bathroom door, sliding down it until she hit the floor with a thud. She buried her head in her hands debating what to do. The only logical thing to do would be to tell him, but how could she? He wasn't ready to be a father.

There was no way Molly was having an abortion, she wasn't going to make this baby suffer because of her mistakes, but what was she going to do? There was one person who came to mind. Mycroft. He would know what to do.

Molly slowly unlocked the door and emerged from the bathroom in her flat. She put on her shoes, grabbed her phone and car keys and made her way out of the building. She sobbed quietly to herself on the way to see Mycroft, her knuckles white as she gripped the wheel tightly. She could barely look after herself let alone a baby. She pulled up outside Mycroft's office and got out of the car, shivering as she made her way to the door. It had begun to rain as she rung the intercom so she pulled her jacket tight around her body.

"Who is it?" Mycrofts's cold voice filled the speaker and frightened Molly as she waited anxiously.

"Mycroft, it's Molly, I think I ought to come in..."

The intercom buzzed signifying she could come in so she reached out and pushed open the door, wiping her feet on the mat as she closed the door behind her. As she looked up Mycroft stood in the doorway, confusion written all over his face.

"Molly Hooper, you're the one who's..." Mycroft began before he was cut off sharply by Molly

"Mycroft, I'm pregnant..."

Mycroft opened his mouth as if to say something then closed it again as though he decided against it. After what felt like hours, Mycroft broke the silence that hung in the air

"Are you sur...."

"It's definitely his,I'm 3 months along Mycroft it couldn't have been anyone else's" Molly cut in again "I'm not getting an abortion though, I want my child to have the best life possible and I know that won't happen when it is with me so I'm going to put it into foster care. I know you won't agree but just this once, please help me Mycroft I've got no one else to turn to"

She looked down at her feet in embarrassment, she could tell Mycroft was being his usual judgemental self but this time Molly didn't care, she knew what she had to do and Mycroft knew it too.

"Fine, you need to get away from here though and as soon as possible because you know how perceptive he is, he'll realise soon enough that you're pregnant and we must avoid him knowing at all costs. I'll find you an apartment somewhere far away from here and do not I repeat do not contact Sherlock, I'll handle that are we clear?"

Molly nodded and with that Mycroft walked away leaving Molly alone in the hallway.

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