Chapter 6

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I emerged from my room again once I was sure everyone had gone. I did not get along particularly well with other people especially strangers.

I walked into the living room where Sherlock was sat, his eyes closed and his hands pressed together.

"What's for dinner?" I asked waking into the kitchen, my stomach rumbling noisily

I momentarily stopped rooting through cupboards in search of food, waiting for his reply

"Not now I'm in my mind palace" his voice called back finally

Mind palace. That's the place I always escaped to when I got fed up with real life. I always presumed I was the only one who had a mind palace. I guess not.
I walked through to where he was sat and slumped into a chair opposite my father. He opened one eye and stared at me intently.

"I have a mind palace too you know"

There was a pause. After a while he opened both eyes as if awaiting elaboration.

"I use it when I get fed up with real people. It's like an escape. It also helps me think especially when I'm under pressure"

Our eyes met once again and he inhaled deeply

"I need a break, I know a cafe we can go to, grab your coat"

I did as he said and grabbed my trench coat from my room, However when I returned, we had company. I hovered in the doorway unsure as to wether I should announce myself but I decided against it and stayed silent.

There were two men in the living room, my father and a middle aged man with grey hair. He was on the police force and my father's body language told me they were good friends.

"Are you certain?" I heard my dad mutter

"Absolutely" he replied which appeared to make my father distressed

"Alright, I'll do it as long as you promise me one thing?"

The man nodded

"Keep Sophie safe"

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