Chapter 20

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"It appears our shared DNA had turned up on my doorstep"

How adorably blunt, I giggled to myself. I zoned out of the rest of their conversation felling like it wasn't my place to intrude on their conversation.


My dad was suddenly standing behind me, I jumped at the sudden noise and looked at him with hope in my eyes. He simply shook his head, a look of sadness in his eyes. My heart plummeted, suddenly regretting my decision to ask him to get in contact with her in the first place, I nodded before slowly getting up and making my way back to my room. I closed the door, tears welling up in my eyes, however I wouldn't let them spill over.

That is her choice

She doesn't want me

She never has

I paced back and forth, anger and hurt pulsing through my veins as I fought back the emotions threatening to take over. I needed to punch. It was what Laura had recommended to me when I caused problems back in the foster home. I grabbed my bag, grateful that I had packed my gym kit. I slung the bag over my shoulder and proceeded to make my way toward the living room. I stopped as I heard my dads voice.

"Molly what do you want me to say to her? Your mother doesn't want to see you?"

My mouth went dry

"We both know that isn't true"

Relief flooded through me

"Just because you're scared! I can probably hold her off for a while longer Molly but it's her right to know who you are!"

My heart swelled as my dad fought for me but I knew that deep down it wasn't worth the fight, she didn't want me, never has, never will. I continued out of the door, rage bubbling in my stomach, my attempts at fighting it back down useless. I slammed the door and began pounding down the streets in search of the gym I'd looked up on my phone that should be around 5 minutes away.

Eventually I found it and around 30 minutes later I was at a punching bag, throwing punches left and right, feeling the anger and emotions flowing through into the bag with every punch and kick that made contact with it. 

I finished up, my heart pounding and my breath ragged. I grabbed my towel and wiped my face off, I felt so refreshed until I reached the locker room. I picked my phone up and saw that I had so many messages from dad asking where I'd gone.


Was all I replied. I then proceeded to text Tyler and tell him about the events that had happened, changing my dad for a social worker so it didn't arouse suspicion. I grabbed my bag out of the locker and slung it over my back before walking out of the gym.

An unknown number flashed on my screen as I walked home, curiously I accepted the call


I asked

"Sophie Hooper!"

An unknown voice echoed on the other line

"Who is this?"

I asked, more worried at this point

"Wow the pleasure is all mine Sophie, truly, I can't believe it's true"

I was more confused at this point

"What's true?"

I asked trying to sound confident

"Well when a reliable source said that the one and only Sherlock Holmes has a daughter, well to say I was intrigued is a ridiculous understatement, and with Molly Hooper aswell!!"

The chilling laugh that followed sent shivers down my spine, the person on the line was clearly unhinged.

"Well I couldn't let such a good opportunity for leverage pass by so easily now could I"

My brow furrowed processing these words. It clicked. I began to quicken my pace, nearing Baker Street.

"No point speeding up now princess, you're surrounded and if you don't oblige... well then let's just say we will be forced to take drastic action"


I growled, fighting the urge to scream at the person at the end of the line. They just laughed in response.

"Feisty, I like it"

I swallowed hard, weighing up my odds. Finally deciding there was no point in outrunning them, I sent dad a cryptic message that I knew he'd figure out to tell him what had happened. I just clicked the send button as the bag went on my head and I felt a sharp pain in my shoulder.

A needle was my last thought before being completely engulfed in the darkness.

AN// Well I said it probably wouldn't happen buuuutt... here it is, A TRIPLE CHAPTER UPDATE!!! It's hotting up folks :D I love writing this so much I can't tell you how good it feels to be in such a good place with it, I know where I'm going and I've passed my writers block which is great!! Hope you're all still enjoying this, I know I know cliff hanger you all hate me well sorry but you'll have to deal with it *drops mic and sashays away ;)* Rebellllll, what am I omg....... anyway bye guys :)

Starryeyes <3

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