Prologue to Act 10 - Eisen's World Affairs

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You gasped, taking in the sight before you.

On one side, Konoha was tied up on a pedestal, snakes larger than him threatening to eat him whole. But something told you that they would bite him to death first, ripping his every tender piece of flesh out before finally devouring him.

He would suffer a slow death.


Konoha-kun would suffer a painful, slow death.

On the other side, there were your other friends. Everyone was smiling at you.

But then, they started fighting.

No, it wasn't a normal daily catfight like the ones they had at the headquarters.

Kido. Kano. Seto. Mary. Shintaro. Momo. Exe. They were ALL hell bent on killing each other.


Why do friends kill each other?

And every time, no matter who was the one left...

He or she would commit suicide...



Your heart could not take this gruesome sight much longer. You tried to run away from there, but you couldn't move.

Suddenly, you hear the all familiar chuckle that sent waves of anger and distress down your spine. How could he do this? Why does he do this?

How dare he do this to them?

"So...dear Eisen.

Whose death will you choose?"

...what would you do?


Abstract Eyes (Konoha / Kuroha X Reader - Kagerou Project)Where stories live. Discover now