Three Monsters

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I was awoken the next morning by my mother calling for Yusuke to wake up. I got up, headed into my brother's room, and watched the scene unfold.

'She's done this every day since Yusuke came back, but it beats her being passed out on the floor.' I thought to myself.

I guess Yusuke was thinking the same thing because he looked over at me and gave me a smile. I returned the smile and went to get dressed for school. It was funny seeing everyone's freaked out expressions when Yusuke, Kayko, and I started walking into school. I'm glad that people are still scared of him, but it does get annoying sometimes because Yusuke isn't really a bad guy.

"Did he really skip gym?" I mumbled as I looked around for my brother.

Gym class was great I guess, but I wasn't shocked when my brother came yawning down the hallway. He gave me a lopsided grin before we entered the classroom. Everyone's attention immediately went to us and I knew right then that something was off. Kayko then answered my unasked question and said that Yusuke wasn't a thief.

The teacher that hates my brother so much, I still can't remember his name but I really don't care too, dragged my brother into another room. I followed of course and almost slapped the teacher for punching my brother. The teacher then started talking about our mother, and both of us were fixing to hit him when Koenma showed up.

"Koenma!!" Yusuke and I both shouted as we saw him appear out of nowhere.

"Have I got a big case for you. Three criminals have stolen the great artifacts of darkness from my father's vault, made slush out of the guards, and escaped to the Living World!" Koenma frantically told us.

"Can't you see I'm busy with this asshole here!" Yusuke shouted back before covering his mouth.

I couldn't help but giggle because Yusuke would never cover his mouth after saying something like that.

"Don't worry about him, Yusuke. Right now he can't see or hear us." Koenma told us.

Both Yusuke and I were relieved to hear that, but now I'm wondering about the artifacts that were stolen.

"Well, anyway, can't you call back later or something!" Yusuke shouted.

"Stupid! This is much more important! If these stolen artifacts are used to their potential, the entire living world will be in a state of chaos and suffering. Lost lives, captured souls, and a bunch of other unpleasant things. Got it?" Koenma told Yusuke.

I had to bite my tongue to keep from laughing because hearing someone else call Yusuke stupid was the funniest thing ever. It's about time someone else calls him that besides me.

"I'm not going anywhere for some dumb theft case until I clear up my own, okay?" Yusuke said back.

"Well, there's your culprit right there! Take out your Psychic Spy-Glass and look into his left pocket." Koenma instructed Yusuke.

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