Genbu, the Stone Beast

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All five of us are struggling to hold the ceiling from crushing us, but it is getting harder by the minute. Kuwabara and Hiei are arguing about all of us sticking together, but my brother shut them up pretty quickly.

"How are you doing sis?"Yusuke asked.

"As good as I'm going to get." I replied, well, more like grunted.

I could tell that it bothered Yusuke that I was in this mess, but I knew that I could hold my own. Yusuke then turned to Hiei and told him to go hit the switch while we held the ceiling.

"Are you sure you want to trust me?" Hiei questioned.

"I don't think quick deaths are your style." Yusuke replied.

Hiei didn't say a word and I could tell that he knew Yusuke was right.

"I trust you. Now, go!"Yusuke hollered before powering up.

I followed his lead and watched as Hiei took off. When Hiei got to the switch, he stopped and turned to look at us.

"I swear to God, you better pull that switch or I'm going to haunt your ass and trust me, I'm not one to mess with." I growled out to Hiei.

The weight was becoming unbearable and I could tell that if Hiei didn't pull the switch, then Kuwabara, Kurama, Yusuke, and I would all die.

"Damn it!" I growled as more weight was brought down on us.

Hiei then pulled the switch and boy was I happy about that. All of us then rushed out as a boulder fell on Hiei, but were happy to see him standing on top of it.

"Everyone ticks you off Kuwabara." I said after Kuwabara made the statement about Hiei ticking him off.

"That reminds me, how are you holding up?" Kuwabara said as he turned to look at me.

"Besides that I can't feel my arms right now, I'm doing good." I responded.

All of us headed into the castle and I just so happened to be stuck in the middle of the four guys. All of a sudden, Yusuke's compact mirror starts to ring and I couldn't help but giggle at Kuwabara, since he jumped 20ft in theair.

"Please just kill me." I sighed as Kuwabara took off talking to Botan.

"I guess they act like this all the time." Kurama spoke.

"Yep, and sometimes, I just want to kill them." I said.

Both Kurama and Hiei chuckled before we started walking again. Yusuke asked Kurama about the Saint Beasts, and then one of them started talking to us. I inched closer to Kurama and was shocked when a door appeared behind us.

"Not creepy at all." I said before we opened the door.

"Ladies first." Yusuke commented, and I knew that it was more directed at Kuwabara than me.

"Haha." I said sarcastically, even though I knew he wasn't talking to me.

Yusuke then threw a torch into the room and when we saw the first Saint Beast, Kuwabara was the only one surprised.

"Ok, I'm surprised." Kuwabara said.

"Not surprising." I mumbled.

I noticed that Hiei gave me a smirk, so I gave him a smile back. I think me and Hiei are going to get along just fine. Kurama then stepped up to fight and I couldn't help but giggle when he said that he couldn't let Hiei get all the credit from the mission.

"Be careful Kurama." I told him.

Kurama gave me a smile,which I returned, before going to face Genbu. Yusuke tried to stop Kurama, but Hiei intervened and told us just to watch.

"I don't know guys, he's still a talking rock." Kuwabara said.

"Talking rock or not, I trust Kurama and I know he'll kick Genbu's ass. Right Hiei?" I said before glancing at Hiei.

Hiei gave me a curt nod before we turned back to the fight.

"Kurama!" Yusuke and I yelled as Genbu's tail cut Kurama.

"That's why he led us into this stone room." I said as Genbu told us that he could become one with any type of rock.

"There's no need. I'm hurt, but he won't take me by surprise again." Kurama told us after Kuwabara said that we should help.

"Damn, he moves fast." I said as I watched Kurama land, but couldn't find Genbu anywhere.

Kurama then turned a rose into a whip, which he called Rosewhip, and I can say that I'm actually excited to see what it can do. The more I thought about it,the more something clicked.

"He used the rose petals to make the room smell different, so he could track Genbu better." I told the group before Kurama sliced Genbu to bits.

Kurama then explained the exact same thing to Genbu and Hiei, Yusuke, and Kuwabara were shocked that I knew that.

"Hey Sky, how did you know that?" Kuwabara asked.

"I'm a girl, remember. I always spray my room to make it smell good, and I can tell when something shouldn't be there just by the smell." I replied.

Kuwabara and Hiei got into it, yet again, and Yusuke told them to save their strength for the bad guys. As we started toward the staircase, Kurama said that his fight wasn't over just yet.

Genbu rejoined himself and I wasn't shocked when he shot himself at Kurama. Kurama sliced Genbu's parts up again, but he just rejoined himself. While Yusuke and Kuwabara were hollering at Kurama, I took notice of something red floating with Genbu's pieces.

"I hope Kurama sees that too." I whispered to myself.

I watched as Kurama stood his ground as Genbu attacked him again, and tried so hard not to yell for him, but I noticed that he grabbed something. Genbu then rejoined himself and I couldn't help but giggle as Genbu's head was lower than it should've been. Yusuke and Kuwabara had a field day with that and I can't blame them.

Kurama explained about the red thing and then destroyed it. I was glad that this battle was over, but then ran over to Kurama when he dropped down on his knees.

"If Kurama's injured then we have a serious problem." Hiei said.

"I'm sorry Yusuke." Kurama said as he looked up at us.

"Don't be. You've deserved yourself a rest." Yusuke said.

I helped Kurama up and we followed after the others.

"I'm fine, Sky." Kurama told me.


I looked over at him and he gave me a smile. I gave him a smile back and let him walk on his own. I also took notice that Kurama was still close to me. I can't tell you how, but I think I'm starting to fall for Kurama. I hope that we get through this so that way I can get to know him better.

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