Hard Fights for Yusuke

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All of us waited to see what was going to happen and then I felt my twin get up. I almost lost it when the dude he was fighting said something about Yusuke thinking that he was invincible. This dude has no idea the hell we went through not too long ago and I hope my brother puts him in his place.

"He's going to win." Yasmine told me.

"I know he will." I said back.

Kuwabara, Botan, and Genkai all gasped but none of them said a word to me or Yasmine when we rejoined them. Kuwabara then said something about the dude doing judo moves on Yusuke and I almost freaked.

"How the hell can he pull this off? He can't see to make an exact hit!" I exclaimed.

Yasmine tried to calm me down but nothing was working. This may sound weird, but now I wish Kurama or Hiei were here so I wouldn't be freaking out as much. They could calm me down in a heartbeat. Yusuke then shot his Spirit Gun and boy was I glad to hear that. He hit the dude's helmet and shattered it to pieces. The dude then passed out after Yusuke explained how he hit him and I was happy that Yusuke won.

"Winner: the Dimwit." Genkai said.

This woman is going to get me killed because I giggle every time she calls him that. Yasmine joined me this time and Yusuke didn't seem to care at this moment in time. I went and hugged my twin and he just slung his arm over my shoulder.

"Nice timing twin." I said.

"Thanks, sis." Yusuke said.

Genkai then announced that Yusuke was fixing to fight again and both of us were confused. Genkai explained that we wouldn't be doing the semi-finals in the room that we were in but outside. When the doors opened, all of us covered our eyes because the light was too damn bright. We ended up at this place, what I believe is a marsh, and Genkai explained that the site was a battle where people killed each other and souls were still there, and boy did Kuwabara freak out.

"How are you holding up?" Yasmine asked.

"As good as I'm going to get." I replied.

Yasmine stuck by me because she knew that I could drop at any moment if anything upset me too much. At least I could see Yusuke's fight this time instead of leaning on everyone else to fill me in.

Yusuke was getting his ass handed to him, but what did I expect since he just got done fighting a few minutes ago, and now, he's fighting again. I just hope that Yusuke can hold his own and beat the hell out of this guy.

"How is he going to get out of this one?" Kuwabara asked as Yusuke was trying to get up after almost getting blown up.

"Now would be the time to tell him goodbye." Genkai replied.

"I've already done that once, okay!" Kuwabara exclaimed.

"I can't lose him again. I won't make it this time." I whimpered.

Yasmine glanced at me and pulled me to her. I never told her the whole story about Yusuke but after hearing this, she's probably already put everything together. Yusuke then ran past us and told Kuwabara that he had to win the tournament now and I knew exactly what he was fixing to do.

"I got you." Yasmine said as she pulled me tighter to her.

All of a sudden, Yusuke disappeared and the ninja guy ended up getting his ass kicked by his own toys. Botan and Kuwabara went to look for Yusuke and they ended up pulling him out of a mud hole. Yusuke then explained that he slipped and couldn't believe that he won the match.

"You good sis?" Yusuke asked as he walked up to me.

"I am now." I replied as he slung his arm over my shoulders.

Yusuke gave me a grin before we all turned to look at the only person left besides us. The small monk has to be Rando, there's no doubt about it now. I hope Kuwabara can handle his own and if not, then Yusuke and I have his back.

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