Kuwabara's Fight of Love

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"So I guess this is the big finish." Yusuke said.

"I can't wait."Kuwabara said.

I just stood there and couldn't help but wonder who the hell the dudes on the screen were. Hell, I wanna know who the people are in front of us are.

"Hey, who are those people?" I decided to ask Botan.

"They're watching us risk our lives like it's funny." Kuwabara added.

"It's awful." Botan replied.

She didn't say who those people are, but that's okay because I want to beat these guys so we can rescue Yukina and go home.

"If we get tired, please allow us to tap out." the younger looking man said to us while the older man on his shoulder chuckled.

These guys creep me out and I just wish that Hiei and Kurama were with us because then I wouldn't have to worry too much about my brother and Kuwabara. I love my brother to death but he's not invincible, and it'll kill me if I lose him again.

"Don't listen Urameshi. I got a feeling these guys are up to something." Kuwabara told my brother.

"No joke." my brother said back.

"But judging from their Spirit Energy we shouldn't worry. They're weaklings." Kuwabara told us.

"No, wait. I can't really explain it. But my whole body's getting this weird vibe." Yusuke started.

"It's like there's something big in here." I added because I can feel what my brother does.

"I don't feel nothin."Kuwabara said.

I just rolled my eyes because my gut's never wrong, and it's telling me that something is defiantly wrong here. I couldn't think much else since the Toguro brothers, that's what the young-looking guy called them, attacked us. Yusuke told Botan and I to stay back, but that was hard since we were attacked.

They're fast. Yusuke and I thought at the same time.

"Cheap fucking shot." I growled as Toguro punched Kuwabara.

Yusuke then attacked Toguro and I didn't know if I should join in or let him handle it. Botan lightly gripped my arm, and that told me that I needed to stay back with her. I watched as Toguro knocked my brother over to Kuwabara, and it took everything in Botan to keep me next to her.

"Twin!" "Urameshi!" Me and Kuwabara yelled at the same time.

"They're helpless." I told Botan.

"Oh, no." Botan added.

The only thing we could do was watch as Toguro beat the hell out of my brother and Kuwabara. I couldn't help the whimpers that left my mouth and Botan held me tight until Toguro tossed my brother aside to deal with Kuwabara. Botan and I ran over to my brother and watched as everything unfolded. Kuwabara came up with a crazy plan and Yusuke told him that he had his back.

"I've got your back bro." I told my brother.

Yusuke gave me a nod and we got ready to help Kuwabara.

"Kuwabara, here it comes!" Yusuke and I called out as we shot our Spirit Guns together.

We beat the Toguro brothers and that's when I noticed that Hiei had joined us.

"Hiei." I said which sparked my brother and Botan to look up.

"We've got to do something. Regardless of what Tarukane deserves, Hiei is forbidden to take human life... He'll be punished severely." Botan told us.

"Perfect." Yusuke said as he stood up.

"Stop it Hiei! Don'tkill him!" Yusuke hollered up to Hiei.

"They're just afraid of justice." Hiei said.

Hiei went to finish off Tarukane, but Yukina stopped him.

"No! Please! No more. I beg of you." Yukina said as she grabbed Hiei's arm.

"Are you crazy!? Is this not the man who tormented you and made you his slave?" Hiei asked angrily.

"He is, I have to bear that. But taking his life can't wash away all that he's done to me. It will only bring more pain. Just more nightmares. Please no more! I can't take it." Yukina begged.

"Understood, I won't make you cry. He's too worthless for that." Hiei said.

"How can I ever thank you?" Yukina asked.

"Looks like things have turned out okay." Botan said.

"Yeah." Yusuke and I said together.

Botan and I joined Kuwabara and then Yukina joined us. Yusuke told her to double-check Kuwabara and I just happened to glance up and see Kurama standing with Hiei. I gave them both a smile because I'm glad to know that if all else fails, I know I can count on them two to help us out. Yusuke, Botan, and I headed upstairs so Kuwabara and Yukina could have some alone time.

"Wow! We've got a full house, huh?" Yusuke asked as we looked between Hiei, Kurama, and the unconscious men.

I just rolled my eyes and shook my head when Hiei walked past us. Kurama joined us and I was happy that everything would hopefully go back to normal.

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