The Beasts of Maze Castle

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Six months went by pretty quickly, but damn were they painful. Genkai kicked our asses multiple times, but it did make us stronger. I returned home with Yusuke and boy was it funny listening to Kuwabara talk about beating Yusuke up.

"Like I wasn't there."I said as I leaned on the tree behind both boys.

"Yeah, yeah, sis. Both of us learned some cool stuff." Yusuke laughed.

"Ohhh! Now that's what I wanna see." Kuwabara said.

"See what?" Kayko asked as she walked up.

All of us froze but I was wondering what the boys were going to say.

"Kuwabara said that he wanted to see a movie. Right Kuwabara?" Yusuke replied.

"Yeah, yeah. A movie. I love 'em." Kuwabara replied.

"I know a great foreign art film." Kayko spoke with excitement.

"You do. Great."Yusuke said before both boys dropped their heads.

"You guys are idiots."I said as we followed after Kayko.

Kuwabara and Yusuke fought about who knows what before Yusuke said that he and Kuwabara needed something. I naturally went after them because I wasn't stupid.

"We're being followed."I said after Yusuke told Kuwabara that he wasn't buying anything at the store.

"Did these guys really bring knives to a street fight?" I growled.

One of the guys started saying, "Must kill, must kill, must... kill!" before attacking us.

We fought off the thugs but then they stood right back up. Yusuke got ready to use one of his new attacks and I was happy to see it.

"Shotgun!" Yusuke yelled as he released a ton of hits on the thugs.

We then started chasing this demon but someone got to it first. I wasn't surprised to see Botan with a bat. She then told Yusuke that he was fixing to go on another mission and he flipped out.

"Why don't you call back in two years!?" Yusuke growled before trying to walk off.

"Then I guess you don't mind everyone in this city being turned into a zombie?!" Botan questioned.

"Does that question have a point?" Yusuke inquired.

I slapped my forehead because I can't believe that he just asked a dumb ass question likethat.

"Koenma was given a message yesterday. It was sent by an agent, much like the one we just walloped." Botan said before telling us what she was told.

"I don't see what the fuss is about. If Koenma's in charge then why can't he turn down their request? And who are these stupid Saint Beasts?" Yusuke inquired.

"They are four of the most notorious criminals in all of Spirit World. The title Saint was given to them by their followers. Years ago they were chased by acoalition of pursuers, and evaded capture by locking themselves into a booby-trapped fortress. Since then a whole city has formed at its base, filled with vile crooks who view these beasts like gods. The City of Ghosts and Apparitions." Botan explained.

I couldn't help the shudder that went through my body. And Koenma wants my brother to face these beasts? Not without help he's not. I'm putting my foot down on that one.

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