Yusuke's Sacrifice

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"I'm so exhausted of looking at this dirty human! Can't you finish him?" Murugu asked as she flew above us.

"Keep talking and I'm going to kill you myself." I growled lowly.

"Of course." Suzaku said while completely ignoring me.

"I'm sure you recognize this by now!" the Suzakus said together but then noticed something.

"This can't be! I've used too much energy on him! I can't form the attack!" Suzaku said.

Ha! This gives my brother a chance to finally end this.

"Well, isn't that a heart breaker. I've got enough energy to serve seven!Shotgun!" Yusuke yelled before firing his shotgun.

All of the Suzakus hit the ground after the hit, and the original Suzaku let go of the whistle.

"Like I said, enough for seven... and that's about it. Hey, this stone feels comfortable." Yusuke said before falling to the ground.

Both of us looked at the screen and noticed that Kayko, Botan, and Yasminewere still alive.


"We've got to get to an exist!" Botan called over her shoulder.

I already knew that, but I wasn't going to say anything. We kept running until Botan was hit across the face and knocked unconscious.

"Oh, Botan! Botan!" Kayko called as we gather around her.

"Run away." Botan mumbled.

"We can't just leave you." I said.

I gathered both Kayko and Botan into my arms, and got ready for what was to come.

*End of POV*

"Destroying that whistle is her only chance." I said.

"Please... be close by. It's far away... Typical."Yusuke said as he looked at the whistle.

Yusuke and I went after the whistle, but Murugu knocked it out of Yusuke's reach.

"I'll never let you reach it!" Murugu said.

"Really? Well, I was thinking a hot meal is just what I need. I bet you taste exactly like roasted chicken." Yusuke said.

Murugu cried out, but I could tell that my brother didn't have much energy left.

"You're just trying to scare me! I heard you say youdidn't have any energy left!" Murugu said.

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