The Dark Tournament Begins

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All of us were standing next to the railing of the ship, except my brother, who was sitting down asleep, I think. I have a bad feeling about this, and I think Yasmine feels the same thing because when she turned to look at me, her look mirrored mine. It's funny when you look at us because Yasmine is standing between the masked fighter and Kuwabara, and I'm standing between Kurama and Hiei.

"Shoot, nothin' here but ugly monsters. I thought cruises were supposed to have pretty girls." Kuwabara said.

Seriously Kuwabara. I thought to myself.

"I sure hope the island isn't as boring as this." Hiei said.

"We're not on vacation, you know." Kurama added.

"I know, but couldn't they at least just give us a place to eat? With pretty waitresses?" Kuwabara replied.

Yasmine and I looked at each other before rolling our eyes. Of course, Kuwabara would want to flirt with women instead of thinking about what we're heading into.

"Alrighty, maties. Turn your eyes to the captain's deck. It's still going be quite a time before the ship finds her way to the harbor. So we'll be having some entertainment to keep you from getting rowdy." this man told all of us.

"Ooh!! I knew it! Some dinner and dancing!" Kuwabara exclaimed.

"I don't think that's what he means Kuwabara." I told him.

"The preliminary battles of the tournament will be fought here on me trusty ship." the man added.

"Say what?" Kuwabara questioned.

"A preliminary for the competition." Hiei replied.

"Now that we can't go anywhere." Kurama added.

"Earthquake."Kuwabara said as the ship shook.

"Fool. There can't be earthquakes on the water." Hiei told Kuwabara.

Thank you, Hiei! He read my mind.

"Look." Kurama said.

We all looked to the middle of the ship and watched as an arena came out from underneath.

"Whoa! That thing's huge!" Kuwabara exclaimed.

I just rolled my eyes because what did he expect. Did he expect it to be small?

"She's a real beauty, ain't she? Now I'll tell it to you straight. Fifteen teams have already been chosen for the Dark Tournament. They're awaiting your arrival. That means, out of all of you on my ship only one team will compete on dry land." The captain said.

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