Rando Rises. Kuwabara Falls.

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As we waited for Kuwabara's match to begin, I couldn't shake the feeling that Shorin, the monk, seemed to be feeling more confident than he was before. Now, I'm scared more than ever and I hope Kuwabara pulls through. Yusuke went to try to talk Kuwabara out of his fight, but Kuwabara wasn't having it.

"What the...." Yusuke and I said at the same time.

Kuwabara knocked Shorin down with one hit, and all of us are shocked by that. Is Rando toying with us? Is Shorin really Rando?

I couldn't help but giggle at the baseball remark Kuwabara made. I hope he can keep this up because if Shorin is Rando, then he'll need everything he's got. All of a sudden, Shorin started chanting and Genkai finally spoke up and explained that the masters that could've taught Shorin the chant, have been dead for centuries.

"Old lady, you just proved something for me once and for all." Yusuke said.

"That chanters no boy."I added.

Now, we're 100% sure that Shorin is Rando. I don't know how Kuwabara can win this fight, but Yusuke and I have his back if things go south. Kuwabara went to attack, but stopped and started freaking out about being small. Shorin then picked Kuwabara up and started squeezing him. Yusuke hollered for Kuwabara to back out of the fight, but Shorin said that it couldn't be allowed.

"Kuwabara!" both Yusuke and I hollered as Shorin started messing with Kuwabara's right arm.

Kuwabara started screaming for Shorin to stop, but nothing seemed to stop him. He then broke Kuwabara's right arm, and both Yusuke and I are barely holding ourselves back from jumping in. Genkai then called the fight, and Shorin just laughed.

"You bastard!" Yusuke hollered before running to Shorin.

Shorin then threw Kuwabara and all of us were looking for him. Shorin then started chanting and we were able to see Kuwabara. All of us ran over to him and both Yusuke and I are shaking with rage. Botan then told us that she didn't know if the wounds would heal because both of Kuwabara's arms and his ribs are shattered into pieces.

"I won't die, even if all the bones in my body are broke. Remember, Urameshi? We still must fight each other." Kuwabara said before passing out.

"Yeah, buddy. That's right." Yusuke replied.

I could tell that this was getting to Yusuke more than it was me, and I hope Yusuke beats the hell out of Shorin. Shorin then walks over and starts talking but none of us care because we all know who he really is.

"Kick his ass." I told Yusuke as he got ready to fight.

"You know it." Yusuke said back.

I know this is going to be a very hard fight, but I know my twin and I know that he can win. Yusuke landed a fierce punch to Shorin and Shorin was shocked, to say the least. Yusuke then landed another two punches into Shorin and it was funny seeing Shorin slightly confused.

"It appears your friend is a fool." Genkai told us.

"No. Just mad." Botan and I said together.

"I know my twin and he's very protective of the people he cares about." I told Genkai as Yusuke was heading straight to Shorin.

Yusuke then pummeledShorin into the ground and we're all wondering if he actually won. Botan and I were happy when Shorin didn't seem to be getting up and I lightly hugged my brother. Yusuke then walked over to Genkai, who then stated about his fight not being over and Rando not being beaten so easily.

"Yes, Mr. Urameshi, you should listen to the old hag. They tend to know things. For example, that I am a demon who will not be destroyed. Most likely, she also knows that I must kill you all, as you are about to see my true form. The only real mystery is this: How will I choose to torture you?" Rando said before everything started to shake.

All of a sudden, this form came out from the ground and Yusuke had to ask what the form was. I wanted to slap him because even I knew that the form was Rando. His power is strong, but I have faith in my brother and I know that he will win. Everything has come down to this: Can my brother pull through and win? Or will Rando succeed and kill us all?     

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