The Deadly Triad

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"Which of you strapping lads will I have the pleasure of fighting first?" Miyuki asked as she looked at us.

I knew that it didn't matter which of the boys fought her, it would be difficult because she's a girl and they are boys.

"No way! You are a girl! We can't fight girls-- it's against my code! Come on, Urameshi. Let's just walk past her." Kuwabara said.

See what I mean.

"Ooh, a gentleman. A pawn of insecure males seeking to own their women." Miyuki said.

What the hell is she talking about?

"Whoa whoa! I don't know anything about that, okay! Guys just don't fight girls!" Kuwabara fought back.

"I'll fight you." Yusuke said as he stepped up.

Of course, my brother would fight her, but I have a feeling that he has a plan up his sleeve, or at least, I hope he does.

"Urameshi, are you serious?" Kuwabara asked confused.

"She's a fighter and she's trying to get in our way. I don't care if she's a girl or a baby or somebody's grandmother. I'll still knock her out." Yusuke replied.

"Oh, I love your style. It's an equal playing field and anything goes!"Miyuki said as she got ready to fight.

"Well let me check first to make sure." Yusuke said before attacking Miyuki.

"You pervert! What was that?" Miyuki asked as she covered her chest.

"Now I know." Yusuke replied.

"Hey...I don't get it. What just happened?" Kuwabara asked.

Before Botan and I could say a word, Yusuke called out, "Hey lady! You've got no chance of winning this fight!"

"Oh, shut up!" Miyuki yelled.

I just watched the fight and rolled my eyes once Kuwabara finally realized what Yusuke had done. He said that it served my brother right since Miyuki was choking my brother.

"Would you shut up." I growled at Kuwabara.

Yusuke knocked out Miyuki and then told us that Miyuki was actually a male. I then laughed as Botan smacked Kuwabara with her broom because he wanted to double-check what my brother said. We took off running, but Botan and I had to yell at the guys to step it up because they were fighting.

"Move!" Kuwabara yelled as he shoved Botan and Yusuke, who knocked into me, out of the way.

"Demon two of the Triad, Inmaki." the demon said as he appeared.

We looked at him and I knew this was going to be good.

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