Seven Ways to Die

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"Out of this whole plan, you made one big mistake." I started.

"You went and pissed me off." Yusuke growled before going to attack Suzaku.

Kick his ass bro.I thought to myself as I watched from the sidelines.

"Take this!" Yusuke yelled as he went through with his attack.

I could clearly tell that Suzaku was confused about how my brother could keep his energy up. Yusuke then knocked the whistle out of Suzaku's hands, and I dove for it but didn't expect Suzaku to actually hit me. I was stunned and that just pissed Yusuke off even more. Yusuke went all out on Suzaku, but that didn't seem to help his case since Suzaku shocked him with lightning once again.

"Both of you really want this whistle badly, don't you? She must mean a lot to you." Suzaku taunted.

"That's one of your business!!" Yusuke and I yelled before Yusuke went to attack Suzaku, but suddenly stopped.

We just watched the girls run, and I was telepathically lending them my strength so they could make through this.

"I'm sorry, were you saying something? You seemed to trail off when you saw her in danger. You humans are so transparent with your feelings. Meet a female, and then you love her. Take her away, and you get mad. Though I must admit, your desire to save her is making it very difficult for me to fight with one hand." Suzaku said.

Did this fool just say what I think he just said? Please tell me he's going to give up the whistle, so I can help my brother.

"Let me hold the whistle now. Then you can use both hands." Murugu said.

"Have wisdom Murugu. If you hold the whistle then the girl will take it from you. Yusuke here will be requiring a somewhat more drastic approach." Suzaku said.

Damn it. He hit the nail on the head, but he'll screw up soon, and that's when we'll step in and take the whistle.

"I have two favorite techniques. You've already met my Storm of Torment. Allow me to introduce the other." Suzaku said as he stood funny and started glowing with electricity.

"Nice posture." Yusuke called out to him.

*Yasmine's POV*

Kayko screamed as the infected teacher attacked her with a pair of scissors. We took off running and ended up in a classroom.

"Well, we better think quickly." Botan said.

"Yusuke. Skye." I heard Kayko mumble.

I understand where she's coming from, but we've got to stick together to survive. I know that both Yusuke and Skye are trying their best to stop this, so I have to do my part and help Botan keep Kayko alive.

*End of POV*

Suzaku started laughing before there was more than one of him. I rubbed my eyes just to make sure that I wasn't just seeing things, and it turns out that I'm not and there really is more than one Suzaku in the building.

"Man, I've really got to get my eyes checked out." Yusuke said.

"This is the most advanced ability I have learned while waiting in this castle. So can you guess which one of these seven forms here is the actual Suzaku?" One of the Suzaku's asked.

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