First Fight

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The day of the tournament arrived quicker than I would've liked it too, but I was ready nonetheless. Yasmine and I stood back as the others stood on the platform with the other team, and I wonder who's going to fight first.

"Is your brother going to sleep through most of these fights?" Yasmine asked as we watched the two teams talk.

"Probably. Your grandmother really kicked his ass." I replied.

Kuwabara became the temporary leader, since my brother is asleep, and decided to fight one-on-one, which in my opinion, is the best option for our guys. The rest of the team came back to us, and Kuwabara went to face off against Rinku.

"This is going to be an interesting battle." I told Yasmine.

"Yep. Kuwabara is going to be stupid." Yasmine said back.

As the fight started, we watched as Rinku jumped around like an acrobat.

"Did this kid grow up ina circus?" I asked Yasmine.

"I believe so." Yasmine.

Kurama then said something about it being hard to follow Rinku's movement, and I hate to say it, but he's absolutely right.

This kid is giving me a headache, but I just about jumped for joy when Kuwabara knocked Rinkuon his ass. Rinku didn't like that and neither did the fans. Rinku continued to try to attack Kuwabara, but Kuwabara kept knocking him down, until Rinku pulled a stunt, and knocked Kuwabara on his ass.

"What the hell just happened?" I asked as the announcer started the ten count.

Nobody said answered me, but they didn't have to because Kuwabara got up. Rinku wasn't too happy about it, but we're glad that he did. Rinku then pulled out yo-yos and Yasmine asked me if Rinku really pulled out kid's toys.

I didn't get to answer because Kurama was confused as well. Kuwabara then did his double Spirit Sword, and boy was I impressed. Kuwabara then went to block Rinku's attack but ended up getting attacked by the yo-yos.

"Of course. The strings... they're alive." Kurama said.

Rinku then attacked Kuwabara and all Kuwabara could do was try to stop the attack, but ended up getting his ass handed to him. Rinku started lifting Kuwabara up into the air and I shuddered as the announcer said something about the tournament being something to die for.

"Not likely." Yasmine scowled.

I nodded my head in agreement, but then hid my head in Kurama's arm as Rinku started bringing Kuwabara back down to the ground. Please let this end well because I really don't want to have to explain to my brother why Kuwabara is dead... 

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