Seiryu, the Blue Dragon

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All of us took off running deeper into the castle before we came across a room with 15 doors, according to Kurama, in it. Yusuke told Kuwabara to pick a door and he chose the second door on the left. Kuwabara had chosen the right door, but he freaked over a little mouse. We continued deeper into the castle and I couldn't help but wonder what's going on back home.

*Yasmine's POV*

Botan and I kept taking out the people that were infected but there are way too many of them.

"Yusuke and them need to hurry up." I grunted as I knocked out a guy.

"Agreed." Botan said as she also knocked out a guy.

We continued on our manhunt and I hope that Skye is alright. I can't believe that she went with her brother to Maze Castle, but then again, I could because that is her brother after all. I guess Botan and I will just have to keep our hopes up because it's all up to the others to completely save the city.

*End of POV*

All five of us continued to walk until we came across double doors that looked like they had dragon type statues sitting in front of them.

"And he doesn't feel very nice." Kuwabara commented after Kurama said something about the blue dragon and the beast inside.

"Really, Kuwabara?" I asked as I looked over at said guy.

Kuwabara just gave me a look before the doors started opening. All of us walked inside and I almost jumped out of my skin when the doors shut behind us. Kurama then made mention of the fog around us being alive.

"Probably Spirit Energy from our beast." Hiei said.

This guy is becoming one of my favorite people. The beast finally showed himself and said that his name was Seiryu. Yusuke made the comment about Seiryu being ugly and Seiryu didn't particularly like that. Seiryu also said that we had another guest and all of us turned to the doors to see who the guest was.

"You've got to be kidding me." I growled as none other than Byakko stumbled in.

We got out of the way as Byakko headed to Seiryu. Seiryu wasn't having any of Byakko's pleas and attacked him. We watched in horror as Byakko was turned into an ice sculptor. I buried my head into Kurama's arm as Seiryu basically killed Byakko. My twin was going to fight Seiryu, but Hiei insisted that the fight was his and that Yusuke could take the leader.

Seiryu taunted Hiei and I could tell that Hiei was pissed off. Kurama then explained a little more about Hiei and my twin said something about him kicking ass. I'm glad that Hiei is on our side and I wouldn't ever want to be the person that pisses him off.

"Hey! Be careful!" Kuwabara called out to Hiei after he basically protected all of us.

"Shut it, Kuwabara. He was being careful if you didn't notice." I growled.

I guess Kuwabara got the drift and kept his mouth shut. We watched as Hiei kept escaping attack after attack from Seiryu until I noticed something.

"Hiei." Kurama and I both said.

Kuwabara told us not to scare him because Hiei was fine, but Kurama then explained that part of Hiei's leg was frozen, so now Hiei couldn't run anymore. Hiei then attacked Seiryu head on and barely escaped, while landing in front of us. Seiryu mocked him before suddenly exploding. Kuwabara was confused, but I was just happy that Hiei won.

All of us ran over to Hiei and Kurama told us that Hiei might actually be starting to like us. I was in shock, but I'm glad to hear that.

*Yasmine's POV*

Botan and I took off running from the infected humans while she talked to Koenma. He told her to get us to higher ground because he couldn't afford to lose either of us. I knew that was right because I know Skye would kick his ass if he let me die. Botan and I ended up getting cornered before the humans walked away. Botan and I were confused until we noticed Skye and Yusuke's middle school. We decided to head that way to see why they headed that way.

Please hurry guys because I don't know what we're going to do if you fail.

*End of POV*

We were running to the final Saint Beast when Kuwabara decided to stop.

"What now? Got cramps?" Yusuke questioned.

"My whole brain just felt like an ice cube. Something bad's happening, I think back on Earth." Kuwabara replied.

"No telling how long we've been here. The beasts have most likely organized a counter-assault using the Makai." Kurama explained.

Please, oh please, let the girls be okay.

"Only one more, let's not waste time." Hiei said as he looked at Yusuke.


We all agreed and took off running up the stairs. We've got to make it because if we don't, well, I don't want to think about what will happen if we don't.

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