Kuwabara's Spirit Sword

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Yasmine and I followed Genkai and the eight finalists to the next destination. Genkai then explained that there was going to be a tournament between the eight finalists until only one remained. She also said that she didn't care if they left their opponent dead or decapitated. I shivered at that because I knew that I didn't want to see that happen to my twin or Kuwabara for that matter. We then entered this place, and when the doors shut behind us, we were in complete darkness.

"Hey! What's wrong with the lights?! I don't like that lady!" Kuwabara exclaimed.

"Yeah, Grandma! What? Do you expect us to fight in the dark?" Yusuke asked.

I shook my head, even though no one could see me because Yusuke just asked a dumb question. Why else would she brings us in this room and there be no light?

Genkai then explained that, that's exactly what she wanted the finalists to do after a lamp lit up. She said something about using their Spirit Awareness and for once, I actually understood. My twin and Kuwabara talked for a few minutes before Genkai pulled their attention back to her.

Genkai made each finalist introduce themselves and I was getting sort of freaked out by each them. The only ones I knew were Yusuke and Kuwabara and boy was I hoping that they wouldn't be fighting Rando right now. The first fight began and I told Yasmine that I thought this fight would be close. She seemed to agree and then the bodyguard won using what looked like the Spirit Gun. Yusuke and I then heard Botan and ran outside to talk to her.

Botan explained to us that it looked like the bodyguard could shoot energy out of his entire palm and still have strength to fight. I couldn't believe that because when Yusuke uses his Spirit Gun, he is completely drained. Kuwabara then ran over to us and I couldn't wait to see how this went.

"Urameshi! You can't chicken out on me!" Kuwabara yelled as he ran up to all three of us.

Will he stop yelling our last name! There are two of us Urameshi's after all.

"Oh, you're just talking with this hot girl. You punk! Kayko's supposed to be your girlfriend!" Kuwabara said before going after my twin.

I couldn't help but shake my head at the two boys.

"Calm down Kuwabara. This is Botan." I said while trying to rescue my brother.

"Nice to meet you, Kuwabara. Actually, I've seen you several times and I've been quite impressed by your actions." Botan said while sitting on her broom.

This is fixing to get good because Kuwabara is fixing to freak out.

"Hey, she's floating in the air! Urameshi! Is she a- well, you know-yeah I think she's a witch." Kuwabara stuttered.

I couldn't help but giggle because it is funny seeing Kuwabara freak out over nothing.

"Oh don't be such a dope Kuwabara. Botan's not a witch, she's the Grim Reaper, and she's my assistant as Spirit Detective." Yusuke explained.

"Detective?" Kuwabara asked completely confused and after letting Yusuke go.

"Yeah." I replied with a nod.

Kuwabara still didn't seem to believe us, but maybe Yusuke can talk some sense into him.

"You were telling me you got a pretty bad feeling from one of those guys in there, right? Well, there are these things called demons and there's a really bad one hiding in there. So my job is to figure out which one he is and keep him from getting Genkai's power." Yusuke explained.

"Gee, that sounds tough. But the important thing is that you're not cheating on Kayko with this new girl! And as for you." Kuwabara said before stepping in front of Botan.

All three of us just waited to see what he was going to do because we were all confused by his actions.

"Uh- Why are you staring at me like that?" Botan asked confused as Kuwabara looked at her with puppy eyes.

"Beautiful lady, will you be my wife? I'm a strong and fearless man I'll be good to you." Kuwabara said before noticing that there was a cigarette on his shoulder.

I had to cover my mouth because what he just said almost made me lose my lunch. I wonder how Botan is processing this.

"Are you boys happy with disqualification? If so, stay where you are." Genkai told us.

All of us ran back inside and Yasmine gave me a funny look. I introduced her to Botan and Botan filled her in on what she could. Yasmine understood and told us that she would help in any way which made my day because I knew that I couldn't handle this alone.

As the second fight got started, I had a feeling that the small monk would win. After a brief moment, the small monk walked back over to us. This guy gives me the creeps and I'm starting to wonder if he's really Rando. The third match was Kuwabara and some other dude, and my money's on Kuwabara hands down. I can't believe that I don't know these people's names, even though they introduced themselves, but I figured that I wouldn't need to know them because I wouldn't see them again after this.

We could hear Kuwabara getting his ass kicked, but then something changed and Genkai explained to us about Kuwabara's Spirit Awareness turning into a sword. I thought that sounded pretty wicked and I honestly can't wait to see Kuwabara use it more often if he sticks with us.

Kuwabara won his match and now it was Yusuke's turn. I don't know if I should be worried or not but I trust my twin and I know that he'll kick anyone's ass that stands in his way. Genkai then called my twin a dim-wit and I couldn't help the giggle that left my lips. Yusuke glared at me but I just stuck my tongue out.

"Is he getting his ass kicked or is he kicking ass?" I asked Kuwabara.

Kuwabara didn't answer me but I could tell by his face what my answer was. I listened as Botan and Kuwabara tried to figure out how Yusuke was going to win. Yasmine seemed to sense that something was wrong because she pulled me from the group.

"What's up?" Yasmine asked.

I just shook my head but she could tell by the look on my face why I was freaking out. I heard the others gasp, so I stepped closer and Botan just grabbed my arm. I knew right then that something happened to Yusuke.

"I may not be able to see you, but you better get your ass up twin or I'm coming in there!" I growled out.

I don't know if he heard me or not but I guess we'll know soon enough. 

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