The Toguro Brothers Gang

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We just stood around for a few moments, before Yusuke said, "Kind of stupid to have a mountain trail that ends halfway up the mountain, huh? I guess they don't encourage much camping around here."

"Yes, the stronghold is very well hidden. But we should be able to find it eventually by following Yukina's energy." Botan replied.

"Why are you still using that compass? Just follow my way! The Red Pinky String!" Kuwabara said.

"The what?" Botan asked as she and Yusuke were completely confused.

"The moment I saw her, my love stretched and tied us together. You see?" Kuwabara replied as he popped his pinky out.

Nobody said a word, but we didn't have to because we knew that Kuwabara was fixing to lead us.

"Let's follow the thread of destiny tied to my love!" Kuwabara yelled before running off.

"Why didn't you seem confused when Kuwabara told us about the Red Pinky String?" Botan asked as we took off after Kuwabara.

"Because my girl, Ellie, has friends that are destined to be together, even though both of them will deny it." I replied.

"Yukina!!!" Kuwabara hollered as he was trying to decide where to go.

"Wait, Kuwabara! It's this way!" Botan yelled out to him when he went the opposite way of where he should've been headed.

"Yeah, but I just got a really bad feeling. Let's go around." Kuwabara replied.

"My compass says to follow the path. We don't have time for detours." Botan said before moving over slightly.

When she moved I noticed a tripwire and pushed her out of the way. After I did that, I ended up being pulled into the air.

"Skye!" Yusuke and Botan yelled together.

"I'm alright." I said before it was revealed that I was stuck in a web.

"A little help?" I asked because I really don't want to be hanging upside down for too long. before screaming when the spider monster appeared.

I ended up screaming when the monster appeared and revealed itself to be a spider, which I despise by the way. Yusuke and Botan looked at each other before looking at the monster and myself.

"What a nice catch!" the monster said with glee.

"It's a spider this time." Botan said.

"Hey, let her go!" Yusuke called out.

Kuwabara joined us and I knew that between the three of them, they could save me.

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