Byakko, the White Tiger

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All of us stopped by a window and I could tell that Yusuke was more concerned about Kurama than anything, and so was I. Kurama told us that he was fine as long as he could walk.

"He's in no shape to fight, so you guys have to pick up the slack." I told the other three guys.

"For once, I agree with the girl. We have three fighters left, but one of them is absolutely useless." Hiei said.

Did Hiei really just agree with me?? Someone pinch me.

"Hey, don't be so hard on yourself short stuff." Kuwabara said with a grin.

"Maybe I'm going out on a limb here, but I think he meant you." Yusuke said.

Kuwabara got mad and said stuff about us being with Genkai for 6 months and him getting stronger. He then showed us his Spirit Sword and boy was I impressed. Kuwabara ranted about his sword and it was funny to see my brother flip Kuwabara off. Hiei then said something about Kuwabara being partially useless and Kuwabara tried to go after him.

"Will you cut it out?"I growled as both Yusuke and I stepped in between Kuwabara and Hiei.

Kuwabara continued to rant and I really wanted to slap him. Kuwabara then fell and told us that sometimes his sword makes him dizzy.

"Dizzy my ass." I mumbled.

Botan called and I felt bad that she was by herself. She then started getting chased until Yasmine showed up to help her. Both Yusuke and I were relieved and I was about to say something when another Saint Beast decided to growl. The whole hallway shook and all of us didn't know what to think or say.

"What the hell was that?" I asked the group.

Yusuke then hung up on both Botan and Yasmine and I could tell that this next fight was going to be hard. The Beast growled again and Kurama decided to speak.

"That's Byakko and he doesn't sound very pleased." Kurama told us.

We took off running as the ceiling caved and somehow ended up outside where this ugly looking creature was standing.

"Tiger." Hiei stated.

I just stared at Byakko because I was too scared to say anything. Lucky for me that I was behind Kurama because I knew that if it came down to it, Yusuke, Hiei, and Kuwabara, well, mostly Yusuke and Hiei could handle him. Byakko then called out to both Hiei and Kurama, and I clutched Kurama's arm. Most of the ground caved in around us and I really thought that he was going to kill us with just his growl.

"You better know what you're doing Kuwabara." I said as Kuwabara walked across the small bridge to an eager Byakko.

"What the hell are those?" I asked as Byakko created monsters with the hairs on his mane.

Byakko then explained about the monsters and sent them after Kuwabara. Kuwabara seemed to be doing alright until the monsters ganged up on him. Yusuke begged for Kuwabara to let him take over and I've never heard my brother beg before. Kuwabara then told my brother that he wasn't going to stop unless Byakko came to kill him himself and I can say that I'm very proud of Kuwabara.

"We've got to trust him, bro. If he says he's got this, then we have to back him up." I told my twin.

Yusuke just nodded his head but I could tell that his mind was turning because he didn't know what to do. I know that he didn't want to just stand there, but I also knew that Yusuke wouldn't intervene either since Kuwabara threatened to turn his sword against him.

Yusuke then tried talking to Kuwabara again and for some reason, he started running back to us. Kuwabara then turned around and made monsters on a stick. *Cue funny laugh* Byakko didn't seem too thrilled by that remark, so he gave the monsters more energy and the chase was on, once again.

"Do you think he realizes it's a circle?" Hiei questioned as Kuwabara ran the monsters around the building we were at.

Kuwabara made a comment about doughnuts and Hiei called him an idiot. Kurama and I agreed that the doughnut comment was a nice one and Yusuke called out to Byakko about wanting another flavor. Byakko really didn't like that and destroyed the building that we were standing in front of. Kuwabara headed back to Byakko and when Byakko jumped down, he looked bigger up close.

"What are the odds that Kuwabara starts calling for his mommy?" Yusuke asked.

No one said a word but all of us knew that this fight wasn't going to be easy. Kuwabara then attacked Byakko, not once, but twice and neither attack seemed to have any effect on Byakko.

"Something's wrong." Kurama stated.

Hiei added something but I was too busy trying to figure out what the hell was going on. Yusuke asked Hiei what Kurama meant, and Hiei told us to take a closer look at both fighters.

"Wait a minute." I mumbled as I looked more closely at both Kuwabara and Byakko.

"Byakko's size. It's increasing." Kurama said.

All of us took notice that Byakko was getting bigger and bigger.

"Now I see. Look down at Kuwabara's Spirit Sword." Kurama spoke as he stepped closer to my brother.

All of us looked at Kuwabara's sword and saw that it was getting smaller.

"It's getting smaller." Yusuke said.

"Exactly. Proportional to Byakko's increase. He's stealing Kuwabara's energy." Kurama said.

Kuwabara decided to attack Byakko again and I couldn't help but shake my head as my brother tried to talk him out of it.


"Is he really that stupid? He's going to get himself killed." I growled.

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