772 18 16

YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED. Also, I've literally only just seen it so I'm still mildly traumatised.

What the hell just happened? You know what, I'll make a list:
-A well
-A plane
-Emotional trauma
*time to go on a killing spree*

To start off with, REDBEARD!!! Possibly the biggest plot twist of the whole series. This like, changes everything. I'm still not entirely sure what they said the boy's name was. I heard Trevor but I'm thinking it might be Victor so that'll need to be cleared up.

I kinda felt sorry for Eurus because although she did put John, Sherlock and Mycroft through a lot of emotional torture, she was lonely. But then again, she did sorta kill Sherlock's bestest friend so I'm not sure if I forgive her completely for that.

Mycroft was a lil annoying. I get why he said those things when Sherlock had to kill someone but still he made some pretty stupid decisions.

MORIARTY WAS THERE (in a way) No joke, when I saw him I screamed and then crafted when I realised that it was a five years previous thing but still, I did miss him XD Andrew Scott at his finest (and creepiest) moments.

I'm all ranted out-well not really but I don't wanna bore you-so I'll say farewell. We just have to wait like another two or so years for the next series ;-; Before I go though thanks so much for 4K reads I never expected to get something like this and the number seems to be growing every day 😱 (oh look, it's a cheesy emoji).

Alrighty, baiiiiiiiii lil Cumberbeans (the amount of cheese I'm serving is off the scale)

Sherlock Imagines {COMPLETED}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum