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*Lola's POV*

I could hear the rain bashing against the windows as I sat at my desk, drawing. The pencil swirled and swirled round the paper, creating an intricate drawing.

The pencilled, grey boy stood there, peering out from under his fringe. He grinned, a deep half-smile showing off his black lip ring. His long, slightly spiky hair fell in front of his big eyes.

I smiled back at the paper boy, a strand of purple-blue hair falling in front of my eyes. Tucking it behind my ear, I caught sight of my wrists.

They were a red and silver mess, full of cuts and scars. I frowned and snatched my sleeves down, embarrassed of the sight in front of me. I shook my head.

My eyes once again met the boy on the paper. Who did he remind me of? The big eyes, dark hair and lip ring echoed someone. Someone who was on my mind.

There was a knock on the door.

Who was out in the pouring rain at night? I stood up, hiding my drawing and kicking on my unicorn slippers. When I reached the door, I wrapped my pale fingers around the cold handle.

Taking a deep breath, I threw it open.

The boy collapsed through the door, closely followed by another boy. Both of them had suitcases. They both threw their suitcases next to my sofa and looked up at me, both of them looking slightly exasperated.

The smaller boy had bright green eyes and slightly curly brown hair. He had a mischievous look on his face, and was about fifteen.

The taller boy had big green eyes. He had slightly spiky black hair and a black, shiny lip ring. "Hey, Scribble."

"Finn," I rolled my eyes at the nickname he gave me due to my love of drawing, leaning against the door and shutting it. "What are you doing here? Why have you got everything packed?"

"Our fucking parents kicked us out! They're moving nearer our grandparents and they didn't have room for us!" Finn groaned. After a moment, he flicked his hair and smirked, acting like what he had just said wasn't a big deal.

"Shit. That's so... Shit. But why does that lead you to my apartment with your suitcases?" I asked.

His little brother, Ross, opened his mouth. "Can we live in your spare room for a couple weeks?"

I raised an eyebrow at him.

"We'll share a room." Ross assured me.

"Unless there's any room in someone else's bed." Finn chewed on his lip ring, teasing me as he always had done. We'd been best friends for about a year and a half now, and there was no sign of him ever stopping the teasing.

He knew how to wind me up.

Our friendship had lead me to bond with Ross too. We constantly spoke about anything with each other, and I mostly found myself giving him advice about girls. One particular girl.

But we'll get into that later.

"Well?" They both looked at me.

"Well... I don't know." I sighed and sat down at the kitchen table.

"Come on. It'd be fun. We could be roommates." Finn smiled.

"Yeah, but we also could be part of a travelling circus. But we're not," I narrowed my eyes at him. "At least, I'm not."

They both gave me a sad look, and I watched the rainwater drip from their clothes onto the floor. "Please, Lola." Ross pouted.

"Of course you can stay, morons." I laughed. "You know where the spare room is, so go unpack and get changed. Tell me more about your parents tomorrow morning."

They both grinned, and Ross disappeared immediately with his bag. Finn stayed behind for a moment. "Thanks, Scribble. It means a lot that you'd take me and my brother in."

"It's no problem. I get lonely anyways."

"You like being alone though, don't you?" He smiled, unzipping his suitcase and taking out a black jumper.

"No one really likes being alone. It's just an excuse to use when no one wants to hang out with you." I smiled. "And besides, boys don't like lonely girls."

"I like you, though." Finn smirked at me as a few white teeth appeared over his lip ring.

"Yeah but..." I tried to think of something good to say, but instead stood there for a moment looking like a goldfish. In the end, I settled with: "Shut up."

"Alright. I'm going to bed." Finn turned his back and waited for a reply.

"Goodnight idiot." I threw his jumper at him, which he'd left on the table.

He caught it and turned round, an eyebrow raised. "Ha ha. Aren't you hilarious?"

I winked at him.

Finn disappeared into the spare bedroom, the scent of his cologne still lingering slightly in the air.

I rolled my eyes and went into my own room, humming to myself and pretending that there wasn't any cuts on my wrists and that I didn't have depression. Tactfully, I hid it all with a smile, as I often did.

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