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A/N: Do you like this story? I'm enjoying writing it, and I love the comments you guys leave. Thank you for making my life amazing, and sorry if this chapter gets a little sad <3

My body danced recklessly to the music, and I ignored Lindsay and Kristin making out behind me, ignored the fact that I didn't know where George was and ignored the fact that I was a high on drugs. I just danced and tried to enjoy myself and make the most of a bad situation.

There was a weird sense of euphoria in my veins, but I knew it wasn't real. It was fake, all a game of make believe.

"Hey." I heard a voice yell over the music.

Turning round, my rolling eyes and dilated pupils met George's mostly sober eyes. "Hi." I kept dancing, moving my hips and pouting while talking to him.

He grinned and shook his head. "I'm convinced that my dealer gave me the weakest shit in the whole world and you're still absolutely shit-faced."

I stuck my tongue out jokingly. "Not my fault."

George got out his phone to check the time. I gasped and looked at his screen, the colors mesmerizing me. He chuckled at me and took my hands. "Do you wanna dance, you crazy bitch?"

I nodded and smirked as I watched George pull me in and start dancing with me. He laughed against my ear. "You're hilarious."

"You're okay for someone that drugged me and took me into a rave full of drug addicts." I winked at him.

"You didn't have to come." He reminded me. "And besides, I wouldn't have given you any if I knew you weren't a drug kind of girl. Drugs are awful. You feel so happy, don't you?"

I nodded.

"It's not real." He told me. "Your heart is struggling to keep you alive right now. While your brain is happy, your body is collapsing beneath you. Drugs appeal to sad people, but starting to take drugs to make yourself happy is a death sentence. You'll never truly be happy if you're on drugs."

My face molded into a frown, slightly taken aback from the gravity of what he had just said.

"I'm just saying." George ran his hand through my hair and tucked it behind my ear. "Let this be the only time. Don't turn out like me."

"I promise." I meant it.

"But for now... Let's have fun." He grinned at me. He chuckled and pulled two tiny pocket sized flasks out of his back pocket and handed me one.

I looked at him dead in the eye. "If this has acid in it I'm going to-"

"No! No way!" He shook his head. "Vodka." I went to down it but he stopped me. "It'll blow your head off." he warned. "Only drink a bit."

I winked at him and downed it. George shook his head and laughed. "What can I say? I'm mental."

After saying that, it made me think that it was something Finn would say. Finn... I looked up guiltily at George and imagined Finn's face if he knew.

'Oh...' I imagined him saying, his face falling. 'I wish you would have just stayed at home. I'm disappointed, Scribble.'

I bit my lip, pretending to have a lip ring like he did.

"What's up?" George spluttered after his shot. "Too drunk?"

I nodded, lying to him. "I'm going to the bathroom real quick."

Without waiting for a reply, I stumbled off towards the bathrooms. The world was spinning and I coughed. Perhaps that lie about being too drunk wasn't a lie. I ignored everyone dancing around me and disappeared into the bathroom.

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