Forty Three.

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We walked home after giving our statements. Ross had stayed overnight in the hospital but had been discharged straight into the station. After all the paperwork, our bit was done.

Cara was still with the police, giving statements on her sister's boyfriend.

We had left her alone on her request: she didn't want to feel pressured in a room full of people. She wanted it to just be her and a few strangers. Even after Ross assured her that we were in fact quite strange, she told us to go home. We obeyed.

Her brother Alfie had come with us, and it had been somewhat awkward. He was acting nice, but I really didn't know how to feel about him. "I love how chill your house is." Alfie said as he sat at our kitchen table.

"It's okay." I shrugged. "I spend my life tidying up after Ross. I find it safest not to go into his room that often."

The bathroom door opened, and Finn and Ross emerged. Finn had been trying to clean a cut on Ross's arm and the sounds of complaining could have been heard across the whole street. Finn went into our bedroom, and Ross came out to join Alfie and I.

"He still won't talk to me properly." Ross sighed.

"Give him time. He has a right to be annoyed, Ross. You gave him quite a scare." I rolled my eyes. "You gave me quite a scare too."

Ross giggled at me. I frowned at him. He smiled. "You care about me, don't you?"

"Perhaps a bit." I turned towards the kettle and turned it on. "Do you want a hot chocolate, Bandage Face?"

"I don't like that nickname." Ross pouted. "And yes please."

"Do you want a coffee?" I asked Alfie.

He frowned. "When do we have to pick up Cara?"

"Not soon enough that there isn't time for a coffee." I offered. He smiled and I started pouring him one. "Finn?" I called.

"No thanks!" He called back, predicting what I was going to ask. We had had this conversation so many times that even my tone of voice hinted him at exactly what I was going to say.

As I poured the various hot drinks, I felt Alfie shift uncomfortably in his seat. Ross noticed it too, and spoke up. "Are you okay?"

"I... I'm not good for her." Alfie sighed and looked at us. "I'm not."

I turned around and looked at him. "What? Who?"

"Cara... She hates living with me and she's scared of my lifestyle. I do it for money, there's no other way to get it when you're like me. She isn't happy with me." He stared me straight in the eye. "I want her to live with you."

There was a stunned silence.

I stammered. "Alfie... I mean, couldn't you just-"

"Yes!" Ross jumped up. "She can! There's plenty of room."

"Hold up, sunshine." I warned him. "I don't know if I can deal with another kid in the house. I don't know if there's enough room, or if we have enough money."

"You have a job now, so we do. Please, Lola." Ross pleaded. "She can sleep in my bed."

"No she can't!" I objected. "You're not even sixteen yet. And besides, Alfie, I think you're being a bit harsh on yourself. She loves you really."

"It's what's best for her. Honestly. Please." He nodded. "I have to do right by her."

I tried to be logical. "But you're just dumping a kid on us, and-"

Finn appeared in the kitchen and leant on the table. "Come on, Scribble. Don't be boring. If it's best for the girl I'm sure we can accommodate it."

"I think you're all forgetting this is my house!" I looked at the three pleading faces in front of me. Something inside me softened as I saw the hope hidden in Ross's eyes. He was like a brother to me now and I wanted her to be happy. "Okay. She can stay."

"Thank you!" Ross leapt up and ran towards his bedroom. "I need to clean up!"

Alfie stood up and hugged me,  a strange gesture from such a tough guy. "Thank you." He said. "You've done Cara a huge favour. I'll be eternally grateful."

"As long as everyone's happy, I'm happy." I told him.

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