I'm Still Here.

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I haven't left you guys!

I don't want you guys to ditch me, and I love you very much, it's just that I have so many exams that my brain is dying and I can't write!

There's just no time at the moment, and exams finish in around two or three weeks. It's just that I have to study for them, and I can't go to the college I want to go to if I don't get good grades.

I love writing, you know that more than anyone else. It's my life, so I'm hurt that I haven't been able to update. I'm trying really hard though, and I'll update today or tomorrow.

Please just hang in there, things will be normal again soon. Do you like this book? I hope you do. ❤️

I miss you guys and I keep thinking about old times. I really miss Dark Silences at the moment. Maybe Corey and Alice should make a return one day? I wonder how Danny's doing.

Please understand and give me some time, because after that I will always always update regularly like I've done for years.

I'll update today or tomorrow. See you then, and thanks again for making my dreams come true ❤️❤️❤️

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